Differences between Christianity and New Age - Summary

English Section / 29 noiembrie 2024

Photo source: Biserica Ortodoxa Romana

Photo source: Biserica Ortodoxa Romana

Versiunea în limba română

New Age is a fundamentally different religion from Christianity, although it sometimes borrows Christian symbols and terms. The main differences include:

1. View of divinity

- New Age: God is often perceived as a universal energy or impersonal force, present throughout the universe (pantheism or panentheism).

- Christianity: God is personal, transcendent and distinct from creation, being the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit (Holy Trinity).

2. The Nature of Jesus Christ

- New Age: Jesus is seen as an enlightened master or an example of higher consciousness, similar to other spiritual leaders (e.g. Buddha).

- Christianity: Jesus is the Son of God, the only Savior of humanity, who died and rose again for the forgiveness of sins.

3. Salvation

- New Age: Salvation is viewed as a process of self-transformation, spiritual awakening, or realization of the inner divinity.

- Christianity: Salvation comes exclusively through the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, and through repentance.

4. Sources of Knowledge

- New Age: It is based on personal experiences, intuition, channeling (communication with spiritual entities), and various esoteric practices.

- Christianity: It is based on divine revelation, transmitted through the Bible and Church Tradition.

5. Practices

- New Age: Includes meditation, crystal use, astrology, energy channeling, and other occult practices.

- Christianity: Includes prayer, the Holy Mass, the sacraments, and the reading of Scripture.


Although New Age may use Christian language and symbols, its view of the divinity, salvation, and nature of Jesus is radically different, making it incompatible with traditional Christian theolog.

