Direct investments in Russia, cut by almost half

Alina Vasiescu (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 2 martie 2010

Direct foreign investments in Russia dropped almost 41% YOY in 2009, to 15.9 billion dollars, as the economy saw its largest decline after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federal Statistics Department announced.

Overall foreign investments in Russia, including loans and real estate investments shrunk 21%, to 81.9 billion dollars. Foreign investments in stocks and bonds dropped 37.7%, to 882 million dollars.

Last year"s GDP dropped 7.9%, and 2009 was the first year in the last decade when Russia had a budget deficit.

The Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, recently asked the member of the government to work on creating a better environment for foreign investors.

"Once the crisis is over, the competition for attracting foreign investors will be harsh and this is already becoming noticeable", Putin said.

Russian officials consider that direct foreign investments in Russia could take two to three years to get to their pre-crisis levels of USD 60-70 billion.

The country with the largest foreign investments in Russia in 2009, is Cyprus, followed by Holland, Luxemburg and Great Britain.

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