DMITRI MEDVEDEV: "Rusia ar trebui să răspundă atacului terorist de pe podul din Crimeea ucigând terorişti"

Internaţional / 10 octombrie 2022

"Rusia ar trebui să răspundă atacului terorist de pe podul din Crimeea ucigând terorişti"

Rusia trebuie să răspundă atacului terorist al Ucrainei asupra podului din Crimeea ucigând direct terorişti, a declarat vicepreşedintele Consiliului rus de Securitate, Dmitri Medvedev, transmite TASS, conform

Într-un interviu scris publicat pe canalul Telegram al lui Fridrikhson, Medvedev a afirmat: "Rusia poate răspunde la această crimă doar ucigând direct terorişti, aşa cum se obişnuieşte în alte părţi ale lumii. La asta se aşteaptă cetăţenii ruşi".

Medvedev a susţinut că responsabilitatea atacului aparţine "statului eşuat Ucraina".

"A fost un act terorist şi un sabotaj comis de regimul criminal de la Kiev. Nu a existat niciodată nicio îndoială în acest sens. Au fost prezentate toate datele şi au fost trase concluzii", a subliniat el.

Un camion a explodat pe podul Crimeea - cunoscut şi ca podul Kerci - sâmbătă dimineaţă, provocând incendierea mai multor rezervoare de combustibil ale unui tren. Trei persoane au murit în explozie, iar porţiuni ale podului rutier către peninsulă s-au prăbuşit. Traficul feroviar şi auto de peste Podul Crimeei a fost restabilit, precizează TASS.

Opinia Cititorului ( 5 )

  1. Lipsesc din ecuatie activistii Greenpeace cei cu poluarea (Marii Negre) si miscarea Make love not war

    Podul ala e pazit mai ceva ca-n filmele cu James Bond, ce atac terorist ucrainian viseaza Medvedev? Putea explozia sa aiba loc fara complicitatea unora dintre militarii rusi?

    Cam asta e paza podului: 

    Source: [Latvia-based Russian media outlet] Meduza 

    Details: According to the publication, the entrances to the Crimean Bridge on both sides are guarded by special units of the Rosgvardiya (their task is to inspect cars entering this crossing for explosives and illegal cargo, but it should be noted that their inspections were carried out randomly).  

    According to the statements made by the Russian Ministry of Transport, vans and trucks are illuminated with the help of special systems that can allegedly "detect even a nut in the interior of the car or see what the driver took with him for lunch." 

    Observation points were also set up on the bridge. 

    It is reported that in the event of an emergency, a special rapid response team has orders to arrive on the scene within a few minutes to clear the scene of an accident and investigate what has happened. 

    The Rosgvardiya [The National Guard or Rosgvardiya is the internal military force of Russia] is allegedly assisted by special border control FSB forces and anti-sabotage groups working both on land and water. 

    According to the publication, small mobile boats of several missions patrol the coastline of the city: anti-sabotage boats of the Grachonok type (equipped with machine guns, grenade launchers or even Igla missile systems), boats of the Mangust project (equipped with machine guns and missiles, but they are mainly used for interception of ships and inspection). 

    In addition, it is reported that, if necessary, BK-16 amphibious boats (the same missiles, machine guns and 19 paratroopers on board), Afalina and Sargan motor boats can be used. 

    To protect the bridge fr om ramming, special cylindrical concrete fortifications have been built in front of its piers, which will prevent ships fr om sailing too near to the piers of the crossing. 

    fr om land, the ships are supported by the Bal coastal missile complex, equipped with anti-ship missiles with a range of up to 260 kilometres, and the modern complex Bastion with cruise missiles Onyx. 

    Also, according to Meduza, the bridge is also protected under water - to prevent mining or undermining of the bridge supports, military divers and special groups of the Black Sea Fleet are constantly in action. And the Plavnik water area control system supposedly can detect a person at a distance of 2 km, and a ship at a distance of 3 km. 

    Special sound traps - the Amulet-P system - also support the protection of the bridge. 

    In addition to divers and traps, specially trained dolphins are allegedly involved in the protection of the Crimean Bridge. 

    Russia allegedly monitors the bridge fr om the special satellite Kosmos-K. And the sky above the crossing is regularly patrolled by Russian Su-27 fighters and Il-38 anti-submarine reconnaissance aircraft. 

    On the ground, the city is protected by anti-aircraft systems with different ranges: the S-400 Triumph missile system and the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft system. 

    It is also reported that radar systems are involved in the protection of the bridge: Podsolnukh (Sunflower) (it is located in Crimea and is able to detect targets at a distance of 450 km) and Voronezh-DM station (covers a distance of 6 thousand km). 

    The Russian media notes that, according to the BBC's calculations, 700 million rubles [approximately $11 million US dollars] were spent in 2022, plus another 618 million [almost $10 million US dollars] - on various technical security systems.

    According to the Russian media outlet, the guarding of the railway part of the bridge has cost a similar amount. 

    Sunt curios cand ii terminati pe cei de la Kiev ca pana acum sunt doar vorbe. Au ajuns ucrainienii in Moscova. Vezi cazul Dugin si niciun raspuns. Pana si americanii au recunoscut ca au fost ucrainienii. Numai aveti substante vi le-au furat ucrainienii.

    "atac terorist al Ucrainei" pana acum 6 buc.

    recunoscut de occident,

    dar ucraina este un stat democratic minunat ??!! 

    1. Fantoma Donbass-ului, Natalia Vovk a lovit din nou, dovezile sunt incontestabile, flacarile au avut aceeasi culoare in cazul Dughinei si podului Crimeei.

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