Do we need a Sovereign Fund in our country?

Andrei Iacomi
English Section / 24 septembrie 2024

Do we need a Sovereign Fund in our country?

Versiunea în limba română

Our country needs a Sovereign Investment Fund, as other countries like Norway or Poland have, according to the opinions expressed yesterday, during an event organized by the Association of Brokers in Romania, in partnership with SCA Piperea si Asociaţii.

Depending on the adopted structure, among the possible benefits of such a fund would be the support of Romanian capital through investments and guarantees or the listing of companies in the portfolio, which would dynamize the capital market and bring greater transparency in state companies. Also, the fund could be an instrument of the country's economic policy or even a real shield at a strategic level.

On the other hand, one of the essential questions is whether the degree of development and the structure of our economy allow the creation of such a fund.

"The topic of a sovereign investment fund is again in the news, but we need to understand what kind of model should work in Romania, because there is no universal model in the world. Everyone is talking about the Sovereign Fund of Norway, Poland or France. I discovered that Japan has the largest sovereign wealth fund by capitalization. There are several questions that would require an answer: where should the money for such a fund come from?; what do we capitalize it with?; what do we use it for?; under which umbrella to operate?. There were attempts to establish a sovereign fund in Romania but failed. We need to discuss this issue, which is ultimately resolved through a political mechanism," said Dan Paul, President of the Brokers Association.

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