Domestic Investors Remain Most Active On BSE

Izabela Sîrbu (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 octombrie 2009

Unlike foreign investors, local players continued to dominate the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) in September, according to the data released by the BSE management.

Local investors committed 480.63 million RON and sold stock worth 520.37 million RON on the BSE in the referenced period, thus generating a negative balance of 39.73 million RON.

In turn, foreign-based investors generated a positive balance of 47.34 million RON on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, as investments gained 30 per cent from August to 162.58 million RON, whereas sales gained 38 per cent from August to 115.24 million RON. September was the sixth consecutive month with a positive balance of foreign investments made on the BSE.

The turnover of stock transactions performed on the BSE gained only 5.51 per cent in September, according to the composite BET-C Index, which closed the month at 2,257.78 points. The index reflecting the performance of the five financial investment firms (SIFs) gained 16.2 per cent in the referenced period to 25,278.2 points.
