Economic Studies: 12,000 Places for Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate

English Section / 30 ianuarie

Economic Studies: 12,000 Places for Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate

Versiunea în limba română

The Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) in Bucharest announced the tuition offer for the 2025-2026 academic year, making available over 12,000 places for bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs. These are the following faculties: Business Administration, with teaching in foreign languages, Public Administration and Management, Bucharest Business School, Business and Tourism, Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, Accounting and Management Informatics, Law, Agri-Food and Environmental Economics, Theoretical and Applied Economics, Finance, Insurance, Banks and Stock Exchanges, Management, Marketing, International Economic Relations. According to the educational institution, registrations for bachelor's degree programs take place exclusively online, between July 3-10. Thus, ASE proposes 7,634 places in the 35 bachelor's programs taught in Romanian, English, French or German, of which 25 programs for full-time education and 10 - distance and part-time. Approximately 3,000 of the proposed places are budgeted. ASE also informs: ""Candidates to the Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics (CSIE) and the Faculty of Law also take a written exam. At CSIE, the exam consists of a multiple-choice test in the Mathematics discipline, and at the Faculty of Law, the written exam is a multiple-choice test in the Romanian Language and Economics disciplines''. The admission competition for university master's programs begins on July 17. Registrations take place online, between July 17 and 21. ASE comes with a proposed offer of 81 master's degree programs - 4,154 places, in Romanian, English, French or German, of which approximately half are financed from the budget. Also, for the 2025-2026 academic year, ASE proposes 352 places for doctoral degree programs. Registrations take place online, between July 12 and 16. ASE organizes 12 doctoral programs in the fields of Economic Sciences and Law.

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