The Ministry of Education proposes to increase the amount of the sums granted to assistants who also have duties of scanning and uploading papers for the national assessment and for the baccalaureate, as well as for assistants with duties of scanning for the tenure and final examinations. Minister Ligia Deca stated: "In the context of the digitized assessment at exams, we considered it important that the increase in the amounts granted to assistants be differentiated. Therefore, we propose an increase of approximately 25% in the amounts granted to assistants who also have scanning and of loading papers for the national assessment and for the baccalaureate, compared to the August 2023 session of the exam, respectively 59% for assistants with scanning duties for the titular and final exams". Deca said that he also proposes the inclusion in the payment of computer scientists or operators from the county commissions for organizing the national evaluation, responsible for using the IT application dedicated to national exams, who were not included in the payment until now. Ligia Deca mentioned that the increases for all exams represent, on average, 20% of the amount allocated in the previous year. The draft order was debated yesterday in the meeting of the Social Dialogue Commission.
Education - more money for exam assistants
English Section / 4 iunie 2024