Correlating pay with performance is a welcome measure in any field. Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu asked the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, to take over the OECD proposals regarding performance-based pay in education and discuss them "quickly" with the unions, considering that the process of joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development requires and fulfilling this requirement. "Take over the OECD proposals regarding performance-based pay in education and quickly discuss them with the unions. In order to join the OECD, Romania's strategic objective, we must fulfill this legitimate requirement. And I know that all parents of students in Romania have the same expectation from the education system!", declared Marcel Ciolacu. The experts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development started last week an assessment mission in the sphere of scientific and technological policies, the Ministry of Research, Development and Innovation informed. According to MCID representatives: "Joining the OECD is Romania's most important country project, after our country's accession to NATO and the European Union. The experts of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development today started an evaluation mission in the sphere of scientific and technological policies. It is the second working visit of OECD experts to the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization. In January, the theme of the assessment was the digital economy". According to the quoted source, the 250 public organizations and 600 companies active in the field of Romanian research benefit from unprecedented opportunities: almost 12 billion euros are allocated to research and innovation through the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2022 - 2027. Ministry of Research transmitted: "Our research and innovation ecosystem, made up of 250 public organizations and 600 companies, benefits from unprecedented opportunities: almost 12 billion euros are allocated to research and innovation through the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2022 - 2027 Together with Romania's most brilliant minds, we are taking concrete steps to join the organization of the world's most developed economies". Taking proposals is not a challenge, implementing them is.
Education, pay based on performance
English Section / 11 martie 2024

Photo source: facebook / Ligia deca