Education tenure - high competition for available positions

English Section / 18 iulie 2024

Education tenure - high competition for available positions

Versiunea în limba română

The teaching job is still an attractive one. The proof is also the competition from the tenure exam. More than 37,500 candidates, of which more than 6,800 graduates of pedagogical high school, post-high school, bachelor's degree, master's degree or teaching staff training departments from the current promotion, registered for the national competition for teaching positions/chairs from pre-university education units.

The written test took place yesterday, in 114 competition centers from 41 counties and the city of Bucharest. The national competition for teaching positions/chairs in pre-university education units consists of taking a special classroom inspection or a practical test and a written test. During the contest, the specialist knowledge and didactic of the specialty are tested, based on specific programs, approved by order of the minister. At the national level, 9,933 teaching positions/vacant chairs are available for employment for an indefinite period, of which 8,691 are full (6,606 urban + 1,885 rural) and 1,242 incomplete (673 urban + 569 rural). Most vacancies for employment for an indefinite period concern the following disciplines/specializations: teachers/teachers for primary education in the Romanian language (1,384);

educators/teachers for early education (preschool education) (1,295); educator/teacher for early education (pre-school education) (1,089); teacher - school counselor (628). Most of the candidates registered for the disciplines corresponding to the occupation of positions in preschool education with teaching in Romanian (over 8,000 candidates), respectively for positions in primary education with teaching in Romanian (over 5,300 candidates). Also, a substantial number of candidates register for the disciplines of physical education and sport - teachers (over 3,100 candidates), Romanian language and literature (over 2,200 candidates) and English (over 1,800 candidates). The written works will be digitally evaluated in centers established at the national level by discipline. The first results of the written test will be displayed on July 23, at the offices of the school inspectorates and on the dedicated website. Appeals are submitted to the offices of the county school inspectorates or by electronic means (at the addresses publicly communicated by each school inspectorate) on July 23, after the results are posted, respectively on July 24. The final results are displayed at the headquarters of the county school inspectorates and on the previously mentioned website on July 31. The allocation of candidates to vacant teaching positions published for employment for an indefinite period, in descending order of allocation means, will be carried out in public meetings organized by school inspectorates between August 1 and 6, informs the Ministry of Education. For employment for an indefinite period (tenure), candidates must obtain a minimum grade of 7 (seven) in both the written test and the practical test/special classroom inspection in the job profile. For fixed-term employment (replacement), candidates must obtain a minimum grade of 5 (five) in both the written test and the practical test/special inspection in the job profile.

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