EduLib Library, expanded for Romanian students in the diaspora

English Section / 26 martie

EduLib Library, expanded for Romanian students in the diaspora

Versiunea în limba română

The Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) announced the opening of the EduLib Library to Romanian schools in communities abroad, with the objective of promoting the Romanian language and education in the mother tongue. EduLib is a digital platform intended for students and teachers in the gymnasium cycle, providing over 3,700 lessons that can be integrated into the educational process. This initiative comes as an important support for Romanian communities abroad, facilitating access to educational materials in Romanian.

The Minister of Education, prof. univ. dr. Daniel David, emphasized that the first consultations for the implementation of this project took place with his counterpart from the Republic of Moldova, Dan Perciun. The two officials decided to organize an event to launch this initiative, with the technical and operational details to be established in the coming period. "We made this decision also following the context created by the discussions at the level of presidents and governments between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, in order to support education in Romanian in all interested Romanian communities", declared Minister Daniel David. Expanding access to the EduLib Library represents an important step in supporting Romanian education abroad and a significant effort to maintain the cultural and linguistic identity of Romanians in the diaspora.

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