Effervescence of candidates in the local and European parliamentary elections

George Marinescu
English Section / 29 mai

Effervescence of candidates in the local and European parliamentary elections

Versiunea în limba română

The local and European parliamentary elections on June 9 constituted a new opportunity for more than 200,000 citizens to submit their candidacy for the position of mayor, local councilor, county councilor, president of the county council or deputy in the European Parliament, according to the data presented yesterday, as part of a press conference by Toni Grebă, president of the Permanent Electoral Authority.

Toni Greblă declared: "A total of 207,389 candidates have registered for the local elections. Of these, 11,500 people are running for the county councils, respectively the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, and 11,386 candidates are running for the positions of mayors. Of the 11,386 candidates registered for the positions of mayors, 9,776 are running in rural areas, and 1,610 in urban areas.

In rural areas, 10.56% of women apply for mayor positions, and in urban areas -12.36%. The youngest candidate is just over 23 years old and the oldest is 100 years old. We also have two 95-year-old local election candidates and two 94-year-old candidates".

The President of AEP mentioned that 494 candidates registered for the European Parliament elections, of which 167 were women, which represents 33.81% of the total.

Only Romanian citizens over the age of 18 who have turned even on the day of the elections and who are domiciled either in the country or abroad and who have not lost their right to vote will participate in the June 9 election.

Regarding the people with the right to vote, Toni Greblă specified: "We have 18,025,324 voters registered in the Permanent Electoral Register, of which 942,730 are Romanian citizens residing abroad. In the elections of June 9, 18,968 polling stations will be opened in the country and a record number abroad - 915 stations -, compared to approximately 450 that were organized in the 2019 European Parliament elections".

According to the data provided by the Permanent Electoral Authority, the most polling stations will be in Bucharest - 1,289, followed by Iaşi, Cluj, Bihor and Bacău with a number between 783 and 640 stations. The counties with the fewest polling stations are Tulcea, Covasna and Harghita, with approximately 200 polling stations. Of the 915 polling stations organized abroad, most will be opened in countries where the presence of Romanian citizens is also greater. Thus, 150 polling stations will be opened in Italy, 147 in Great Britain, 104 in Germany, 66 in France, 52 in the Republic of Moldova, and 48 in the United States of America.

In the voting on June 9, 3,186 mayors of localities and the general mayor of the Capital will be elected, the members for the 3,186 local and county councils, the presidents of the county councils, as well as 33 representatives of Romania in the European Parliament.

