Electroceramica Turda To Increase Share Capital

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 iunie 2007

Shareholders in electrotechnical ceramics producer Electroceramica Turda on July 11th will discuss a share3 capital increase from 847,952 RON to 3.34 million RON, according to a report to the Bucharest Stock Exchange, quoted by NewsIn. The company will issue 1 million new shares with a face value of 2.5 RON.

The company estimates a net profit of 1.25 million RON for the current fiscal year, compared to 2.24 million RON losses posted in 2006. Electroceramica also expects a 30% increase in turnover, which should amount to 21.24 million RON. Revenue is estimated at 21.54 million RON, a 34% increase from 2006, while expenses should amount to 19.85 million RON, up 8.4% from the past year.

Electroceramica Turda has a share capital of 850,000 RON, divided into 340,000 shares with a face value of 2.50 RON. The majority shareholder in the company is Barberi Rubinetterie Industriali (Italy) with 70%, followed by SIF Oltenia with 13%.

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