Elena Lasconi, the new president of USR

George Marinescu
English Section / 27 iunie 2024

Elena Lasconi declared: "From today the reconstruction of the USR begins and we will work more united and determined than ever because what is at stake is the loss of democracy in Romania".(Photo source: facebook / Elena Lasconi alege Câmpulung)

Elena Lasconi declared: "From today the reconstruction of the USR begins and we will work more united and determined than ever because what is at stake is the loss of democracy in Romania".(Photo source: facebook / Elena Lasconi alege Câmpulung)

Versiunea în limba română

Elena Lasconi won the leadership of the USR party, with 68% of the members' votes. The mayor of Câmpulung declared at the end of the vote that she has demonstrated that she can build bridges between people and generations.

Elena Lasconi declared: "From today the reconstruction of the USR begins and we will work more united and determined than ever because what is at stake is the loss of democracy in Romania. (...) The concentration of power in the hands of some obsolete parties and the pretending that they would consult the population, the Romanians, every 4 years, brought the citizens only contempt, theft from the pockets of those who work and are in good faith. This led to the weakening of the state, from my point of view. Power of the people means power every day and not just once every 4 years. The power of the citizen means to have a life in a proud and respected country where you want to raise your children and not want to leave this country thinking that somewhere else is better and that the system works".

She announced that she will submit her candidacy to be designated by the USR Congress that will be held on Saturday as the candidate for the presidential elections in this year's elections of that political formation. Elena Lasconi did not rule out the idea of alliances for the presidency, but mentioned that such a decision will be taken at the USR Congress on June 29. As for the United Right Alliance, she mentioned that that form of alliance is no longer preserved at the moment, and the delegates at Saturday's Congress will have a decisive say.

The result of the vote was announced by Ionuţ Moşteanu, the spokesperson of USR, who declared that 11,133 members participated in the vote, which represents 45% of the total members (25,607) of the respective political formation.

Ionuţ Moşteanu said: "Following the decryption of the electronic votes, the result is as follows: Gabriel Filip 310 votes, Radu Hossu 1471 votes, Cristian Seidler 1873 votes and Elena Lasconi 7701 votes. With a percentage of 68.14% of the votes cast, Elena Lasconi is the new president of USR".

On Saturday, June 29, Elena Lasconi will lead, as president, the USR Congress where the new leadership team around her will be voted on and the candidate for the presidential elections will be appointed.

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