Elerom - Roman Doubles Profit

Doru Mocanu, Iasi (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 noiembrie 2009

Nine months through the year, Elerom SA - Roman (listed as ELER on the RASDAQ platform of the Bucharest Stock Exchange) reported a year-on-year increase in turnover by 1,247,371 RON to 8,291,771 RON. Operating revenues totalled 8,195,675 RON, up by 908,069 RON from September 2008, whereas operating expenses gained 580,747 RON from the referenced period to 7,521,091 RON. The company therefore concluded the first nine months of the year with an operating profit of 674,584 RON, nearly double what was reported for the corresponding period of 2008.

The overall results were slightly affected by financial losses in the amount of 28,049 RON, so the gross profit reported by Elerom SA - Roman at the end of September 2009 is 646,535 RON, as the delta between total revenues in the amount of 8,201,764 RON and total expenses in the amount of 7,292,075 RON. The net profit left after taxes is 602,181 RON, up by 307,745 RON from the net profit reported at the end of September 2008.

As of 30 September 2009, Elerom - Roman reported receivables in the amount of 2,193,952 RON and debts in the amount of 621,378 RON to various suppliers, but nothing to the State and the social security systems.

Elerom - Roman was established as a splinter from the former RENEL-IRE Bacau and currently produces electric engines, generators and transformation units. Electro-Center SRL is the leading shareholder with 22.1967 per cent, followed by IMSAT Proiect SA with 11.7449 per cent and various other shareholders.

Reader's Opinion ( 1 )

  1. sa-i iubim in gura pe conducatorii unitatii,pentru ca fac profit neplatind salariatii.salariile sint de mizerie,nu se dau nici acelea integral,iar in unitate domneste o atmosfera de puscarie,unde GARDIANUL patruleaza de 30 de ori pe zi,iar oamenii sint tratati ca niste sclavi.

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