Eligible Petrom Employees To Receive Share Option Up to 8%

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 11 mai 2007

Persons employed by Petrom between the date when the company was established (1997) and the date when the relevant normative act is published in "Monitorul Official" will be able to buy Petrom shares up to 8% in total.

Shares will be offered at 0.2158 RON/share // 0.0525 EUR/share, which is the price paid by OMV upon privatization. Yesterday"s quotation (BVB: SNP) fluctuated between 0.54 RON/share and 0.55 RON/share.

Persons who buy Petrom shares under this offer may have to wait between 6 months and 2 years before they are allowed to sell. At the moment, the relevant piece of legislation is posted as a draft on AVAS" site for public consultation. AVAS will later select a privatization agent, who will broker the sale of the 8% package.

