Emergency terrorists and pedophiles untold

English Section / 31 ianuarie 2024

Photo source: facebook / Untold

Photo source: facebook / Untold

Versiunea în limba română

The preparation of some terrorists in our country with the "blessing" of the Secretary of State Raed Arafat and the involvement of Bogdan Buta, patron of the Untold festival, in a pedophilia scandal are the press materials that Sorin Roşca Stănescu and Liviu Alexa brought to public attention .

"It's unbelievable: we are training terrorists in Romania", Sorin Roşca Stănescu captions his article, which reminds us of the statements made by Corneliu Vadim Tudor who claimed that Arab terrorists trained in Romania during the time of former presidents Emil Constantinescu, Ion Iliescu and Traian Băsescu.

Member of the Honorary Council of the Press Club, Sorin Roşca Stănescu, after making a historical excursion regarding the training of Arab terrorists in communist Romania, states: "Terrorist cells continue to operate in Romania, with the knowledge of the authorities. From the information I had access to, the one who has been orchestrating this extremely dangerous operation for Romania's credibility for years is none other than Raed Arafat".

The text written by SRS comes as 12 officials of the UN agency dealing with support for Palestinian refugees have been dismissed, while another 190 are under investigation after being accused by Israel of being involved in the October 7 terrorist attacks 2023. Following this international scandal, 10 states - which were joined by Romania - decided to suspend any financial allocation and any material support to that agency, and the European Commission announced that in February it has not yet allocated any amount to UNRWA.

So far, in the two published materials, SRS has provided only one piece of evidence regarding the training of terrorists that would have taken place within the Faculty of Firefighters within the Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy in Bucharest. It is about a press material published by Spynews that refers to some facts that happened more than 10 years ago.

The second scandal casts the stigma of pedophilia on Bogdan Buta, the organizer of the Untold festival, an event that annually brings millions of euros to the treasury of Cluj-Napoca, a character who claims, according to the material published in Ziarul de Cluj, that he enjoys the protection of local authorities and some institutions of force of the state.

The messages exchanged on WhatsApp and other networks by Buta with his victims, messages published by the author of the article, Liviu Alexa, do not really leave room for any doubt about the intentions of the person in charge of organizing Untold and about the possible facts that would be took place and which are criminalized by the Criminal Code because they were committed against minors.

If the whole situation described in the article published now and happened in 2021 is real, then Untold will face a scandal of proportions, and the state authorities should urgently intervene and prosecute the culprit accused of drugging minors and child support sexual relations with them.

The problem is that the respective character appeared every year on the occasion of Untold in pictures with several politicians, including the mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Emil Boc, who treated Bogdan Buta as an honorable man, probably also through in view of the sums that remained annually in the city budget following the organization of this festival.

So far, the two bombshells don't seem to have piqued the interest of major national TV news stations, although the implications of these scandals - if the facts turn out to be true - would cast a negative light on our country.

It remains to be seen what will be the reaction of the competent authorities.

Until then, all that is left for young music lovers is to collect 1600 euros - that's what a high school student claimed yesterday morning on trolleybus 86 in the Capital that he needs for access to the event for a week - and to prepare for Neversea, the festival that will it took place in the summer, in Constanţa, after the baccalaureate exam.

However, be careful with the use of drugs and alcohol!

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