Energy Bio Chemicals (EBC) Buys Carom

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 ianuarie 2008

Representatives of the Austrian-based Energy Bio Chemicals (EBC) yesterday signed the final minutes for the purchase of Carom - Onesti, the only factory in Romania to have produced synthetic rubber, Rompres reports. After four failed privatization attempts following by scandals related to the purchase of the majority share package by the brothers Iancu, the current owners of Poli Timisoara Football Club, and later by the controversial businessman Ovidiu Tender, Carom was declared bankrupt at the end of 2006. Pressured by the union, the liquidator, Finconta Consulting tried to find a buyer interested in resuming production instead of scraping the factory.

As all attempts failed, the task book was changed so that EBC may accept to purchase Carom. Nevertheless, the sale contract causes anxiety among the approximately 250 employees left from the 1,800 people on the company"s payroll in 1990. The main reason is that the provision preventing EBC from scraping the factory was removed. Unless a better offer is received in 30 days from the publication of a sales announcement, EBC becomes the new owner of Carom.

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