"Energy, shipping, and finance can offer attractive investment opportunities"

English Section / 16 septembrie 2024

"Energy, shipping, and finance can offer attractive investment opportunities"

Versiunea în limba română

(Interview with Amit Kupfer, Popular Investor on eToro)

Sectors such as energy, shipping, and finance can offer attractive investment opportunities, considering the current macroeconomic and geopolitical landscape, according to Amit Kupfer, a popular investor on eToro. With 12 years of experience in the markets, the specialist has refined an investment approach focused on understanding businesses and seeking competitive advantages, investing in exceptional leadership, and carefully analyzing valuations. As he mentioned in an interview, Amit Kupfer believes that investors need to remain patient in order to achieve long-term returns.

Reporter: What were your first steps to becoming a well-known investor?

Amit Kupfer: My investment journey began on eToro in 2019, but it wasn't until 2023 that I experienced significant growth in copiers and followers.

Reporter: What has been your evolution as an eToro Investor?

Amit Kupfer: Throughout this time, I've gained valuable insights into investor behavior and effective communication.

Reporter: What are your investment goals for the future?

Amit Kupfer: My primary objective is to generate long-term returns that consistently surpass market averages while minimizing risk.

Reporter: To what extent has the experience you had in your field before you started investing contributed to the evolution of your investments ?

Amit Kupfer: My prior experience as a business owner has provided a solid foundation for understanding business operations and resource allocation, which has undoubtedly influenced my investment approach.

Reporter: What is your investment strategy ?

Amit Kupfer: I employ a long-term fundamental investment strategy, focusing on undervalued companies with strong business prospects. I believe that patience, thorough research, and a disciplined approach are essential for success in investing.

Reporter: What advice do you have for first time investors? Is there anything investors should pay particular attention to?

Amit Kupfer: For new investors, I recommend starting early, developing a strong understanding of financial accounting principles, as well as keeping a long-term investment perspective. It's crucial to avoid impulsive decisions driven by market sentiment and to conduct thorough due diligence on potential investments.

Reporter: How do you approach the risks associated with investing?

Amit Kupfer: When assessing investment risks, I prioritize in-depth research and analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying businesses. This approach helps me maintain composure during market fluctuations and make informed decisions.

Reporter: What do you think about investments in crypto compared to other assets in the market?

Amit Kupfer: While I've chosen not to invest in cryptocurrencies and I don't see much value in it, I recognize their speculative nature and potential for both substantial gains and losses.

Reporter: In which segment do you think a businessman should invest, in the current macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions (high inflation, energy crisis, border war)?

Amit Kupfer: Given the current macroeconomic and geopolitical landscape, I believe that sectors such as energy, shipping, and finance may offer attractive investment opportunities.

Reporter: Is there a perfect time to invest?

Amit Kupfer: It's important to remember that there is no ideal time to invest. The key is to start as soon as possible and maintain a long-term focus.

Reporter: What should investors consider when choosing an online investment platform?

Amit Kupfer: When selecting an online investment platform, consider factors such as regulatory oversight, transparency, and user experience.

Reporter: Is there an investor's decalogue? What are the top three rules?

Amit Kupfer: While there may not be a universally applicable "investor's decalogue," my personal investment principles include:

1.In-depth Company Knowledge: Thoroughly understand the businesses in which you invest.

2.Predictable Business Models: Identify companies with stable and predictable business operations.

3.Valuation Analysis: Invest at reasonable valuations relative to a company's intrinsic value.

Reporter: Tank You!

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