Enrollment record at Transilvania University

English Section / 23 iulie 2024

Photo source: unitbv.ro

Photo source: unitbv.ro

Versiunea în limba română

The good results from the Baccalaureate exam can also be seen at the faculties' secretaries, where more and more graduates present themselves. This year's admission brought to Transilvania University of Braşov, a record number of candidates for bachelor's and master's study programs: 17,646. Thus, for the full-time degree cycle (on the day) for the 6,097 places put up for competition, 13,255 candidates expressed their option, with 1,184 more than last year, the year 2023 being a record year in terms of the number of candidates who opted for Transilvania University. Also, 2,203 candidates compete for the 1,335 places put up for competition for part-time study programs, respectively distance learning. According to the educational institution: "And this year, the greatest competition was at the Faculty of Medicine, with 11.34 candidates/place on the 125 places open for competition. At the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, for the Psychology study program, there were 842 candidates for the 100 places open for competition, and for the computer program (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) there were more than 5 candidates per place. In great demand, also with over 1,000 registered candidates, were the faculties: Economic Sciences and Business Administration, Mathematics and Informatics, Law, Sociology and Communication. On the opposite side, fewer candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Music - 91, a faculty where the total number of places available for the bachelor's degree was lower - 75. At the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 87 candidates enrolled , and at the Faculty of Furniture Design and Wood Engineering, the only specialized faculty in the country, 85 files were validated". 2,140 candidates opted for full-time master's programs, 14% more than the previous year. For the Master's programs at the Faculty of Medicine, the entrance exam will take place in September.

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