Enthusiasm- the strategy for the revival of the stock market

. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 septembrie 2013

Enthusiasm- the strategy for the revival of the stock market

Yesterday, after a long time, the stock market seemed to have come out of its numbness, judging by the interest shown in the conference "The strategy for the revival of the stock market", organized by the BURSA newspaper, at the World Trade Center Bucharest.

Over 150 attendees were present at the event, and the number of people in the audience have clearly exceeded the presence of the market actors at the last General Shareholder Meetings of the BSE.

All of the top players - state representatives, the Financial Supervision Authority, almost all of the Board and the Executive of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Sibex, the Central Depository, all of the SIFs, brokers, issuers, investment funds, lawyers, journalists - proved that they have work to do, that they want to get to action and to prove that Romania needs the stock market.

Nice speeches we have heard before though, so we will need to see if the ones we heard yesterday yield any concrete results. Aside from the passion for this market, it takes a lot of work and it is never too late to start.

The presence of a foreign CEO at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (ed. note: Ludwik Sobolewski) and his desire to show that things can be done seem to have made other people enthusiastic as well.

It is true that the stock market has always been eaten from the inside by short-term interests, but this time, at least, the messages sent by everyone argued for solidarity towards a common, more important goal.

The debate initiated by the BURSA newspaper, is part of our constant action over the last 20 years to constantly support the domestic stock market.

The role of the BURSA newspaper was once again, to bring the market players and the state authorities under the same roof. From there, the decision makers need to show that they have truly heard the messages that were conveyed, and the Romanian stock market needs to take the place it rightfully deserves in the economy.

We wish you luck!

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