Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral ships

George Marinescu
English Section / 13 noiembrie 2024

Nikolai Patrushev, president of the Maritime College of the Russian Federation, states that Russia's naval strategy involves expanding the presence of its military ships on all oceans of the globe, including cooperation with BRICS member states. (Photo source:

Nikolai Patrushev, president of the Maritime College of the Russian Federation, states that Russia's naval strategy involves expanding the presence of its military ships on all oceans of the globe, including cooperation with BRICS member states. (Photo source:

Versiunea în limba română

Although the Western media and certain experts have suggested that Ukraine, with the support of Western weaponry, has significantly undermined the capabilities of the Black Sea Fleet, Nikolai Patrushev, president of the Maritime College of the Russian Federation, claims, in an interview published by Kommersant daily, that the fleet that is perfectly functional and ready to respond to any challenges or threats in this strategic area. Moreover, Patrushev states that the ships of the non-riparian NATO states in the Black Sea have no business in that area, as their presence is a violation of the Montreux Convention, which limits the presence of foreign naval forces in this region.

Nikolai Patrushev told the quoted source: "I just visited the Black Sea Fleet, got acquainted with the progress of the troops and naval forces and convinced myself of their combat effectiveness and the fleet's readiness to face challenges and threats in the maritime area . There is no defeat of our fleet in the Black Sea. And this despite the fact that Kiev's aggressive actions in this region are coordinated by NATO specialists. Westerners must firmly understand that Russia has a firm position in the Black Sea, and we will not allow this position to be weakened. Moreover, we will not tolerate the constant naval presence of the non-riparian states of the Black Sea, a presence that violates the provisions of the Montreux Convention. Russia firmly maintains its status as one of the main naval powers in the world, our fleet confidently performs all its tasks, starting with the most important - nuclear deterrence. Not long ago, the nuclear submarine cruisers Emperor Alexander III and Krasnoyarsk made an ice passage from the operational area of the Northern Fleet to the base areas of the Pacific Fleet, the length of the route exceeding 4,000 nautical miles. Such operations are of particular importance in the context of the revision of domestic nuclear doctrine. Our opponents should know that Russia's naval nuclear shield always guards our country. Other components, forces and assets of our fleet are also being developed."

Russia will strengthen its naval presence in the Baltic Sea

The Russian official also addressed the militarization of the Baltic Sea, an area of interest for NATO following the accession of Sweden and Finland to the Alliance. Nikolai Patrushev criticizes the policy of militarization of the area and recalls the historical attempts of Western forces to control naval access to the Baltic Sea. In this context, Russia has strengthened its security measures and taken decisions to protect its economic and territorial sovereignty in the face of possible threats, especially following the incidents of sabotage on the Nord Stream pipelines. The President of the Maritime College of the Russian Federation claims, related to the Nord Stream incident, that the Ukrainian special forces do not have the technical ability to execute such complex sabotage and that it is very likely that this type of attack was carried out by NATO units.

In the interview with the cited source, Patrushev brought up the problems faced by Western fleets, including the US Navy and the British Royal Navy. According to him, while Western fleets are impressive on paper, they suffer from serious problems such as low morale, understaffing and naval infrastructure problems. He also criticized the US Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program, which the US Naval Maritime Institute recently declared a failure.

The Russian military fleet aims to hold supremacy on the seas and oceans of the world

Nikolai Patrushev states that Russia's naval strategy involves expanding the presence of its military ships on all oceans of the globe, including cooperation with BRICS member states. Moreover, Russia is actively developing the Northern Sea Route, a shipping corridor that is particularly important for its economy. Patrushev recalled that recently Russia launched its fourth nuclear icebreaker, "Chukotka", thereby strengthening its position as a world leader in the construction of nuclear-powered ships. In Patrushev's opinion, this route will allow Russia to provide sea transportation throughout the year, contributing to the integration of the country's transport infrastructure and the economic development of the northern regions.

At the end of his speech, Patrushev emphasized the importance of developing Russia's shipbuilding industry. He stated that Russia will invest in new production capacities and increase productivity in this sector. The Russian official states that in parallel the training and retraining of personnel will be intensified to meet the needs of this industry essential for the economy and national security. At the same time, Russia plans to introduce new approaches to attract youths in the shipbuilding industry, including by providing grants for innovators and inventors, and by supporting the development of robotics in this industry.

Nikolay Patrushev's statements highlight a broad strategy by Russia to protect its interests and expand its influence in the naval sphere. His message is not only one of defense, but also of affirming Russia's capabilities to adapt and strengthen itself in the face of global challenges, whether they are located in the Black Sea or the Baltic Sea, or in other areas of the Planetary Ocean.

Vergil Chiţac: "NATO military ships in the Black Sea respect the Montreux Convention"

Admiral in reserve Vergil Chiţac, the mayor of Constanţa, told the BURSA newspaper that Nikolai Patrushev's statements regarding the presence of NATO military ships in the Black Sea are false, because all those vessels comply with the stationing conditions stipulated in the Montreux Convention.

Vergil Chiţac stated: "Military ships from the non-riparian states of the Black Sea cannot stay in this area for more than 21 days. From my information, until now no military ship belonging to a non-littoral NATO state has been stationed in Romanian ports beyond the time limit provided by the Montreux Convention".

Mr. Admiral Chiţac also told us that, including in 2014, after the Russian Federation annexed Crimea, when the Regatta of Great Sails took place in the Black Sea, an event in which Russian military training ships also participated, that deadline was respected by a Pakistani sailing ship, which stopped traveling from Sochi to Constanţa because it exceeded the 21 days of military naval presence in the Black Sea region.

Regarding the expansion of the presence of Russian military ships in the Planetary Ocean, Mr. Chiţac mentioned: "Russia and China are not thalassocracies, that is, they are not maritime powers, and this is the thing that hurts them the most. The US is the only maritime power globally that can move its warships anywhere and anytime. On a regional level, in the Asian Pacific area and in the Indian Ocean, a maritime power is Japan, because it has a real tradition in this sense. Russia aspires to become a maritime power. I don't know if it will succeed because it is a long-term process, and in today's context where the Russian Federation is subject to political and economic sanctions, and the Gross Domestic Product of that country is getting smaller and smaller, even though they have increased sums allocated to defense, it is hard to believe that they will dominate the seas and oceans of the world".

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