Eugen Anca: "There is no question of any visit whatsoever of TISE officials to Bucharest at this time"

Recorded by ALINA TOMA VEREHA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 decembrie 2012

Eugen Anca: "There is no question of any visit whatsoever of TISE officials to Bucharest at this time"

Eugen Anca is well known in Romania for his insistence to convince the Romanian authorities to accept the alternative manner of restitution of the Romanian Treasury confiscated by Moscow, through a block of projects and bilateral economic and trade programs and projects, worth 10 billion Euros.

He says that he is no stranger to the interests which the Russians of TISE have in Romania and said that the officials of the Group will not come to Romania by the end of the year, as announced by Rodin Traicu, secretary of state in the Ministry of the Economy. Mr. Anca said that the Russians of TISE are still interested in Oltchim and that they want to come to Bucharest after the installation of the new Government, in the beginning of next year.

The Russian group wants to come to Bucharest after the installation of the new Government

Eugen Anca claims that Dan Diaconescu still has the money to pay for Oltchim

Reporter: The Ministry of the Economy, recently announced, through Secretary of State Rodin Traicu, that the CEO of TISE will come to Bucharest, probably in the beginning of December, as head of a mission. What can you tell us about this near visit?

Eugen Anca: The same thing I told you last time (ed. note: in mid-November), when the same Mr. Traicu was announcing the imminent visit of TISE officials in Bucharest, I will say now: there aren't plans for TISE officials to visit Bucharest at this time.

Reporter: But how is it possible that the Ministry of the Economy announces this visit, and yet you claim that TISE officials aren't coming to Bucharest?

Eugen Anca: I don't know where Mr. Traicu got the information about the visit of TISE, when not even the CEO of TISE knows anything about this visit. Not even the General Manager or other members of the Board of Directors know anything about this visit. Of course, the people of TISE have announced, through diplomatic channels, that they remain interested in a cooperation on the project of Oltchim, but they do not want to come to Bucharest before the end of January 2013, meaning after the installation of the new government, because they don't want their visit to be construed in one way or another, given the election period in Romania.

Reporter: So TISE still wants to buy Oltchim?

Eugen Anca: TISE is very interested in everything the Oltchim project means, with all its components for supplying raw materials, the oil logistics in the Port of Constanţa and the development of the sources of thermal and electric energy for the Oltchim platform of Râmnicu Vâlcea and the Arpechim platform of Piteşti. Of course, the best formula for TISE would be to buy them. There is also the option of ensuring professional management, but the option which will be picked in the end will depend on the direct negotiations between the Romanian government and TISE, which will begin sometime after January 20th, 2013, or in the first decade of February 2013. But on this point, we shouldn't forget that the Government will first have to deal with the legal issues of the privatization of Oltchim.

Reporter: Are you referring to the lawsuit filed by Dan Diaconescu against the decision to terminate his rights resulting from his winning of the call for tenders for the privatization of Oltchim?

Eugen Anca: Yes, because the reason given by the OPSPI for doing that was that Dan Diaconescu did not prove that he had the amounts available for buying those shares. Or, that is precisely what Dan Diaconescu did, meaning that he proved, according to the requirements of the OPSPI, that he has sufficient funds to meet the obligations he has taken on. Actually, Dan Diaconescu still has that money available and he will probably still have them available for a while, until a final ruling is issued by the court.

Reporter: Do you mean that Dan Diaconescu still has the ability to pay the price of 45 million Euros for the shares of Oltchim?

Eugen Anca: Yes, that's right. If the government will go back on its decision made against Dan Diaconescu, meaning to give him the ownership of the shares of Oltchim, like the call for tenders was intended, Dan Diaconescu will immediately pay the price he promised.

Reporter: But do you think that the government will go back on its decision?

Eugen Anca: I couldn't say, but if the Government really wants to solve the problem of Oltchim, it can consider this option as well.

Reporter: Thank you!

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