EUR 45 million residential project in Braşov

Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU, Braşov (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 2 iulie 2009

Skyscraper madness has reached Braşov. A Canadian company wants to invests EUR 45 million in a residential complex which will feature a 27-floor skyscraper. The project is located on 95, Carpaţilor St., and the project will serve several purposes. According to the zonal urban planning, the complex will include homes, retail areas, office spaces and lodging areas. Given the impressive height of the project, local council member Carmen Ionescu abstained from voting in favor of the Urban Zonal Plan of the project, asking investors to produce a geotechnical study. Mayor George Scripcaru intervened, stating that the investors have made all the necessary studies to make sure the skyscraper... will not come tumbling down. "It is a Canadian investment that will help increase the city"s budget and will provide jobs and homes. Braşov needs such investments, and we should support private investors, not get in their way", Mayor George Scripcaru said. The local council voted in favor of the Urban City Plan for this project (PUZ), with the exception of two abstentions.
