European funds: project for the training and development of professional skills

English Section / 23 ianuarie

European funds: project for the training and development of professional skills

Versiunea în limba română

The Valahia University of Târgovişte announces the implementation of a project with European funds for the training and development of professional skills required on the labor market, with students being able to participate in workplace learning programs through internships. The project, entitled "SMART - Students motivated to become successful entrepreneurs', has a total value of 4.9 million lei, of which almost 4.2 million lei is co-financing from the European Union. According to the educational institution: "The general objective of the project aims to improve the quality, inclusiveness, effectiveness and relevance of the education and training system for the labor market, including by validating non-formal and informal learning, to support the acquisition of key skills, including entrepreneurship and digital skills, as well as by promoting the introduction of dual training systems and apprenticeship systems for students at the Valahia University of Târgovişte." The project runs until October 31, 2026 and is co-financed by the Education and Employment Program 2021 - 2027. The university also reports: "The project is of regional interest and aims to optimize the educational offer in the university environment, through the training and development of professional and transversal skills required on the labor market, with the aim of increasing the participation rate of students enrolled in an ISCED 6 level program in workplace learning programs through internships carried out within newly established/developed partnerships, which will facilitate the insertion of university graduates into the labor market." According to the cited source, the project aims to implement an integrated learning system at the higher education institution and at the workplace, with the active involvement of employers, by developing university-business partnerships and maintaining collaborative relationships to ensure the functionality of the partnerships, but also to have an updated picture of the constantly changing needs on the labor market.

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