EXCLUSIVE - THE GRAPHENE REVOLUTION Two investors interested in revitalizing the graphite mine in the county of Gorj

ALINA TOMA VEREHA (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 iunie 2013

Graphene is more resistant than steel, and its flexibility makes it extremely precious for military technologies (bullet protection).

Graphene is more resistant than steel, and its flexibility makes it extremely precious for military technologies (bullet protection).

Three years ago, two researchers of the university of Manchester won the Nobel prize for discovering graphene - a miracle material, the thinnest of all those that exist in the Universe. Graphene is the 2-dimensional form of graphite and it is made up entirely of carbon.

The 2-dimensional "strips" of graphene have made this material extraordinarily durable and flexible. Businesspeople in the powerful countries of the world have conducted research, which led to their finding of multiple fields in which this material can be used, from IT, electronics, medicine, to the aeronautical, military and energy industry.

Graphene is a better electric conductor than copper, and it is also 300 times harder than steel and has unique optical properties. Also, even though it is almost transparent, graphene is so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can get through it.

Two major foreign investors are courting Salrom for revitalizing the graphite mine in the county of Gorj. Amid the latest research in the field, the graphene obtained from the common graphite has created a veritable technological revolution, as strong countries and companies (operating in telecommunications, energy, medicine, military and aeronautical industry) are allocating billions of Euros for patenting the use of graphene. As it is to be expected, graphite mines have become extremely sought after, and Romania is the richest country in that regard as well.

Aurel Bucur, the general manager of Salrom, told us: "Salrom received strong signals from two major investors for the revitalization of the Ungurelaşu graphite mine, near Polovragi. Salrom still has a license for the exploitation of graphite in that perimeter. The mine has important graphite reserves and can be reopened relatively easy".

In his opinion, the exploitation of graphite can be done with a relatively low investment: "There are problems because the electrical power line has been stolen and destroyed, the road has degraded and the environmental requirements for the waste dumps where the sterile has to be deposited. I expect that dealing with this problem will cost about 1 million Euros, before the mine can start producing the first thousands of tons of graphite. The production and investments in environment and retooling can be increased throughout the exploitation period".

Salrom has begun the process of preparing the technical and financial details needed for launching the call for bids for the graphite mine. Mr. Bucur claims that from his point of view, the best model for attracting a private investor would be a joint venture with Salrom: "Sure, the Government sets the strategy of partnership for the mining of graphite. From my point of view, I think the best fit would be a joint venture, an association in which the private partner would bring the money and the technology, and Salrom with the operating license and the qualified staff".

"I think that in the new world technological context, which is going through a revolution centered on graphene, the exploitation of graphite needs a strategic policy. Salrom owns the only graphite deposit in Romania and if graphene also has military uses, I think we need a government strategy, especially since we still have aeronautical and military industry in the country".

The manager of Salrom told us that graphene is harder than steel, and its flexibility makes it extremely precious for military technology, (bullet protection, etc), for aeronautics (reinforcing plane wings, especially since it is very light), energy (it allows the production of extremely thin and light photovoltaic panels). Graphene is very valued in IT (it increases internet speeds, is used in tablet and laptop components, etc), telecommunications (mobile telephony), electricity and electronics (the material is a very good conductor, better than silver).

In the vision of Aurel Bucur, the private partner would have to process graphene in Romania, to obtain licenses for the processing technologies and a patent for graphene production. The mine of Gorj has a 30% graphite concentration.

According to the latest studies, in the beginning of 2009, the graphite reserves all over the world exceeded 800 recoverable tons. The main producers of graphite are China, India, Brazil, North Korea, Canada and Mexico. Other countries that have graphite deposits are Ukraine, Czech Republic, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

