Interest in ancient remedies and cures is not only related to medicine but also has a cultural component. The thematic exhibition "Leacuri şi remedii din drogheriile bucureştene. O călătorie arheologică în secolul XIX" (Cures and Remedies from Bucharest Pharmacies: An Archaeological Journey in the 19th Century), which offers the public an insight into the fascinating world of remedies and cures found on the shelves of Bucharest pharmacies during those times, will open on January 31 at the Suţu Palace. The exhibition project highlights pharmaceutical containers, cosmetics, and medical instruments discovered during archaeological research conducted over time in Bucharest, as reported by the Bucharest City Museum: "Liquid preparations, powders, pills, or creams were stored and sold in simple containers made of glass, ceramic, or porcelain, on which pieces of paper were glued, providing information about content and usage. Although most labels have not survived the passage of time, certain packages had the manufacturer's name or the name of the contained product printed. (...) Pharmacies also offered remedies that suppressed coughs and treated tuberculosis, among which Morrhuol Creosote stood out, a product based on cod liver oil and creosote, commonly used in the late 19th century in Europe and America, or preparations such as Lebens Essenz (Essence of Life) for digestive tract issues and other diseases or conditions related to it. A distinct category was represented by cosmetic containers, whose elaborate forms and decorative elements reflected the style and aesthetics of the era." The exhibition will be open for visitors until March 31.
Exhibition of Remedies and Remedies from Bucharest Pharmacies
English Section / 25 ianuarie 2024