Extension of Line 4, approved by the Ministry of Transport

George Marinescu
English Section / 13 februarie

Photo source: Facebook/ Metrorex

Photo source: Facebook/ Metrorex

Versiunea în limba română

The Technical and Economic Council within the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has approved the technical and economic indicators of the project regarding the extension of Metro Line 4, announced yesterday the Secretary of State for Transport, Ionel Scrioşteanu. The extension of Line 4 will connect with the existing route at Gara de Nord 2 Station, by extending the existing lines. The new metro line will be almost 12 kilometers long and will include 13 new stations, creating a fast connection between Gara de Nord and Gara Progresul, located in the south of Bucharest.

The new stations included in the project are Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu, Uranus, George Rozorea, Chirigiu, Filaret, Eroii Revoluţiei 2, George Bacovia, Toporaşi, Nicolae Cajal, Luică, Giurgiului and Progresul.

The total investment value is estimated at 3.43 billion euros, including VAT, with financing to be provided from non-reimbursable European funds, the state budget and other legal sources. The duration of the works is estimated at 50 months (4 years and 2 months), which implies their completion in a relatively short period for a project of such magnitude.

The tender for the design and execution was launched in the spring of last year by the City Hall of Sector 4, but the process was temporarily suspended due to a complaint filed by some builders. The bids were submitted only in the fall of last year.

The project was divided into two lots for which three associations consisting of 56 companies submitted bids. For lot 1, Gara de Nord 2 - Eroii Revoluţiei 2 (6.38 km, 7 new stations), two associations led by the Turkish companies Gulermak and Dogus Insaat Ve Ticaret submitted bids, and for lot 2, Eroii Revoluţiei - Gara Progresul (4.5 km for passengers + 1.1 km depot connection, 6 new stations), a single bid was submitted by an association of companies led by Erbaşu Constructions.

To complete the project, separate contracts will also be required for finishes, equipment and the purchase of new trains, which will increase the final value of the investment.

By implementing this project, the Capital will benefit from a modernized transport infrastructure, which should lead to decongestion of road traffic and facilitate access for residents in the south of the Capital to other metro lines, offering more efficient connections within the city.

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