Fear of successful people

Fear of successful people

Dan Nicolaie
English Section / 1 august 2024

Versiunea în limba română

Dan Nicolaie

In the summer, the wise man, who does not bother to make a sledge, goes to the beach. Since I have nowhere to go with the sled, I went to the beach for a few days. In the southernmost part of the local coast, the sand is fine, the beer is cold, and the discussions are "abundant". The steps took me near a couple, quite experienced in life. The husband was watching the sports broadcasts from the Olympic Games on the phone and we accidentally ended up exchanging a few words, after David Popovici had just debuted at the current edition of the Games.

The man, passionate about sports, was terrified of the idea that we would get medals at this edition of the Olympics and he was most afraid of Popovici. He also presented me with a theory related to successful people in our country. He is simply frightened by their success because he is convinced that it takes money out of his pocket sooner or later, from teachers with uncertain morals to politicians, from honest businessmen to corrupt journalists. He claimed that the success of famous businessmen, who did not pay taxes, had harmful contracts with the state, who proved to have stolen heavily and from whom nothing was recovered, even after the guilt was proven, cost him a lot. The success of politicians in the elections, he claims, leaves him without money now, but also in the future, when they will benefit from special pensions. It also reached sports and the annuities that performers receive for life after retiring from the activity. I asked him "but you are passionate about sports, aren't you proud when a tricolor wins a medal?". "I would be even more satisfied if I knew from the start how much this pride costs me. I know, fun costs money, no matter what fun we're talking about, but I want to know the exact price. Maybe I don't allow myself certain joys. Maybe I don't agree with professional football, handball, volleyball teams supported by town halls. Am I wrong?! Do you know how many "useless" people are hiding behind an athlete who has performances?". I avoided a direct answer, sometimes silence is golden and it doesn't even cost anything. It also doesn't hurt to see things from less frequented/frequented points of view, even if we don't necessarily agree with them.

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