Fiba"s Insurance Arm Starts Off With 11.3 Mln RON Capital

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 iunie 2007

Fiba Asigurari SA, a member of the Turkish financial group Fiba, which also controls Credit Europe Bank, has received the operating license and will kick off with a share capital of 11.31 million RON (3.5 million EUR). The company is controlled by Fiba International Holding NV with 99.9%, whereas four individuals hold 0.025% each.

The company is going to enter the non-life insurance market and could also approach the private pension segment, as Credit Europe Bank VP Omer Tetik mentioned in April. Fiba Asigurari will retail their products through Credit Europe Bank and Credit Europe Leasing branches, totaling some 100 points of sale countrywide. Fiba has been operating in Romania for seven years through Credit Europe Bank (formerly Finansbank) and Credit Europe Leasing (formerly FinansLeasing).

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