Financing for the restoration and conservation of religious buildings

English Section / 17 iulie 2024

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Versiunea în limba română

The protection of cultural heritage is a priority for any self-respecting state. The Ministry of Culture, through the National Heritage Institute, is launching a new call for projects financed by the Stamp of Historical Monuments, with the theme of Cult Buildings. Raluca Turcan, the Minister of Culture informed: "Through this initiative, we aim to revitalize and protect Romania's cultural heritage by restoring and preserving religious buildings. These are fundamental for the identity and spiritual wealth of our communities, valuing the architectural heritage that defines both urban landscapes as well as rural ones". The theme of the Building of Worship reflects the essence of the community and represents a synthesis of various elements such as architecture, sacred art, painting, sculpture, furniture, clothing, objects of worship, books and archives. The funds available for non-refundable financing for the IV / 2024 session are 85,250,000 lei. The available subprograms and amounts are:

Design - elaboration of the technical-economic documentation for interventions on religious buildings: 5,000,000 lei; Restoration of religious buildings: 75,000,000 lei. The amount allocated for resolving appeals is 5,250,000 lei, according to GD no. 670/2024. Projects will be considered eligible if they focus on individual monuments, ensembles and sites in categories II (architecture) or IV (memorial), recognized for their national and universal value (MI-A) or for their importance in the local cultural heritage (MI-B ). Funded works will be focused exclusively on restoration and conservation, not including extensions or new construction for complexes and sites. Through this initiative, the Ministry of Culture reaffirms its commitment to the preservation and restoration of cultural heritage, protecting the edifices of worship that represent places full of history and tradition for our communities.

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