Financing of 110,000,000 lei for the restoration of historical monuments

English Section / 9 august

Financing of 110,000,000 lei for the restoration of historical monuments

Versiunea în limba română

The restoration of historical monuments represents a direct support for ...public memory. The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, announced the launch of a new financing subprogram for the restoration of historical monuments, the amount available being 110,000,000 lei. According to the minister: "With great joy we continue the series of funding calls, as we announced at the beginning of this year, by launching a new funding subprogram for the restoration of historical monuments, which will be implemented by the National Heritage Institute (INP), through the Stamp Historical Monuments (TMI). (...) The amount available for non-refundable financing for the V / 2024 financing session is 110,000,000 lei. Call launched on 07.08.2024, with a deadline of 09.09.2024". According to the Minister of Culture, this approach is essential for stimulating interventions dedicated to vulnerable historical monuments in Romania, for the integration of these projects in the urban fabric or the local landscape and the revitalization of local communities by enhancing the value of historical buildings: "The financing of the restoration subprogram responds directly to our priorities for 2024 - removing endangered historical monuments from danger and engaging patrimonial and local communities in protecting historical monuments". Raluca Turcan believes that through such actions the Ministry of Culture "actively contributes" to the preservation and revitalization of our cultural heritage.
