Financing of 14.5 million lei for UMF "Carol Davila"

English Section / 3 octombrie

"For every student of our University, we want the widest possible educational beach in line with the continuous development of precision medicine, technological processes, digitization or artificial intelligence, which is why we are permanently connected to the opportunities offered by the programs European ones based on non-reimbursable funds" said Viorel Jinga, rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest.

"For every student of our University, we want the widest possible educational beach in line with the continuous development of precision medicine, technological processes, digitization or artificial intelligence, which is why we are permanently connected to the opportunities offered by the programs European ones based on non-reimbursable funds" said Viorel Jinga, rector of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest.

Versiunea în limba română

The "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest recently obtained a total funding of over 14.5 million lei by winning some important projects put into competition within the "Education and Employment (PEO) 2021 - 2027 Program. The projects aims to increase the participation rate of students enrolled at the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy in the workplace learning programs through internships. UMF "Carol Davila" announced that it won the competition within the call for "Promoting the development of tertiary education programs quality, flexibility and correlated with the requirements of the labor market - STUDENT INTERNSHIPS - Less developed regions" within the Education and Employment Program (PEO) 2021 - 2027, Priority P07 "Increasing the quality of the education and professional training offer to ensure the equity of the system and a better adapting to the dynamics of the labor market and to the challenges of innovation and technological progress" through the project "Practical skills in family medicine for UMFCD students" (1st place - 100 points), coordinated by the Technology Transfer Center of UMFCD, with a total eligible budget of 4,927 .210.80 lei. According to UMF, within the same call, the project "Innovative training in pharmaceutical practice" was won (4th place - 97 points), coordinated by the Faculty of Pharmacy of UMFCD, with a total eligible budget of 4,865,101.20 lei. Also, in the call "Promoting the development of high-quality, flexible and correlated tertiary education programs with the requirements of the labor market - Student internships - Developed regions" also within the PEO 2021 - 2027, Priority P07, UMF occupied the 1st place through the project "Skills and updated practical skills for UMFCD students from the Bucharest-Ilfov Region", (1st place - 99 points), coordinated by the Technology Transfer Center of UMFCD, with a total eligible budget of 4,927,210.80 lei. Rector Viorel Jinga stated: "For every student of our University, we want an educational beach as wide as possible in accordance with the continuous development of precision medicine, technological processes, digitization or artificial intelligence, which is why we are permanently connected to opportunities which the European programs based on non-reimbursable funds offer us and through which we aim to make these three big personal and professional development projects a reality both for our students from the Faculty of Medicine and for those from the Faculty of Pharmacy, reason for which I want to congratulate the UMFCD teams involved in winning these funds". According to the rector, the essential role of these special programs for learning and improving students at work through internships achieved through the partnerships within the new projects is to facilitate the insertion of future graduates into the medical system, at the same time propelling them towards academic performance .

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