Five projects submitted for the "Green House" program in the County of Braşov

Ovidiu Vrânceanu,Braşov (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 17 august 2009

Five projects were submitted in the county of Bra ov in the first stage of the Program for the replacement or the completion of the standard heating systems with alternative heating systems using solar, geothermal and wind energy, as well as any other systems that would help improve air, water and soil quality this year. This includes three projects in the city of Braşov, submitted through the association "Agency for the Management of Energy and Environmental Protection Braşov" (ABMEE). These projects concern the mounting of solar panels on the buildings of the Hall of Sports, the Noua Retirement Home and the Homeless Shelter.

The other two projects, which were submitted by the Mayoralty of Rupea, for the City Hospital of Rupea, and by the Mayoralty of Zărneşti, for the mounting of solar panels on the roof of the Hospital "Dr. Caius Tiberiu Spârchez". The deadline by which new projects can be submitted for this stage is 14 august. So far, only 46 projects were submitted across Romania, of which five in the county of Braşov.

The Environmental Fund has 150 million lei available for this first part of the program. 160 million lei have been allocated for the second session of project submissions, which will be opened between 1 - 15 September. The "Green House" program provides the installation of solar panels, in order to lower methane gas consumption, used especially in supplying warm water and in central heating.

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