Former RIS Generals, summoned to appear before the National Anticorruption Prosecutor"s office

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 decembrie 2008

The prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Office (DNA) have ruled the arraignment of several discharged generals formerly of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) for acts of corruption.

"Discharged Generals Ionel Marin and Dumitru Zamfir and major Cătălin Spiridon Miu were arraigned for fraud, misrepresentation, abetting the infraction of abuse of office against public interest, if the public servant obtained for himself or for someone else a patrimonial or non-patrimonial advantage", states a communiqué sent to Agerpres.

Also arraigned in the same case were the discharged general Ion Popescu, discharged colonel Virgil Turcu and lieutenant colonel Marin Panaitescu for abuse of office against public interest, if the public servant obtained for himself or for someone else a patrimonial or non-patrimonial advantage, the press release further states.

The file was sent for trial to the High Court of Cassation and Justice.

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