Forte Business Services Doubles Turnover

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 27 noiembrie 2007

Forte Business Services SRL reported new business in the amount of 70 million EUR and a turnover of 50 million EUR at the end of the financial year 2007, which ended September 30th. The turnover surged over 100% y/y. "The service ratio increased to one third of the turnover," according to Bogdan Radu Constantinescu, CEO. In addition to being an IT system integrator and a reputed IT infrastructure builder, Forte is currently aiming to consolidate a foothold on the professional IT service market. Forte Business Services is the Romanian representative of Siemens IT Solutions & Services. The company operates under the brand name "Forte - a siemens company" and had a countrywide network of nine branches plus an office in each county and two support centers in Timisoara - one for E. Europe customers and one for the rest of the world.

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