Free IT courses for refugees

English Section / 5 martie 2024

Free IT courses for refugees

Versiunea în limba română

The Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR) together with SoftServe will offer Ukrainian refugees free access to the "Find Your Place in IT" course as part of the second edition of the "EmpowerU in Romania" program.

The course consists of six introductory modules in programming languages. The modules will take place over the course of eight weeks and are available free of charge within the limit of 35 places. The course will be taught in Ukrainian, and those interested can register online, by filling out the form available on the SoftServe website, until March 8. To be eligible, participants must be Ukrainian citizens refugees in Romania, have completed at least high school education, have a laptop or computer with Internet access and have a basic understanding of the English language. The course will take place between March 25 and May 24, 2024, it consists of 16 sessions, each lasting two hours, which will take place twice a week. According to the organizers: "In addition, students are recommended to allocate another 2 hours per week to complete practical tasks and for individual study. Participants will be selected by SoftServe Academy experts based on the criteria presented and the motivation described in the application form. Upon completion of the program, they will acquire knowledge of Java, HTML&CSS, data analysis and testing". EmpowerU is a global program dedicated to the education of vulnerable groups, launched in 2023 in seven countries: Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Ukraine, Poland and Romania.
