Frigotehnica Taps Green Energy Market

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 iunie 2009

Claudiu Amza, Frigotehnica"s Director of Operations and Development, was born in Bucharest in 1973. He graduated from the Faculty of Management of the Bucharest Economic Academy and then from an Executive MBA with ASEBUSS. He is married and has two daughters. Sports are his favourite hobby.

Claudiu Amza, Frigotehnica"s Director of Operations and Development, was born in Bucharest in 1973. He graduated from the Faculty of Management of the Bucharest Economic Academy and then from an Executive MBA with ASEBUSS. He is married and has two daughters. Sports are his favourite hobby.

Cornelia Angelescu

Frigotehnica has created a Green Energy Division and thus tapped the renewable energy market. "We have a concept we are bringing into the Romanian market. It is called Home Energy and integrates all the aspects of this sector: wind energy, solar panels, photovoltaic panels, heat pumps and bio-energy," said Claudiu Amza, Frigotehnica"s Director of Operations and Development.

"Our concept targets households as well as small- and medium sized enterprises and institutions such as schools, town halls and various administrations. The Green Energy Division is focusing on developing this segment of the market by educating the public to understand the system, its benefits and results," Amza added.

As the green energy system in Romania is almost non-existing, the first steps towards educating the public are being taken in the form of a strongly convergent campaign of the Green Energy Division of Frigotehnica, including promotion campaigns, promotion materials and direct marketing. "We will use every means available to us to make people aware of the benefits of this system," Claudiu Amza told BURSA.

Frigotehnica will focus the information campaign on the areas that are the most suitable for green energy production and also adapt the disseminated information to the local specificity. This means that information on wind energy will be primarily disseminated in the areas where wind energy production would be most efficient, and the same for solar panels and biomass. "Our system can be adapted to any customer to maximize the benefits. The application also depends on the respective surroundings and the size of the project, i.e. household, school, motel etc," Amza added.

Despite its great potential and some shy steps towards diversification, the renewable energy market in Romania remains largely uninformed. The absence of clear projects and concepts worsens the situation. In Amza"s opinion, the market does not include any large projects and is far from any segmentation in terms of customers or suppliers.

"Our Green Energy Division has received the first orders. We import all the equipment we need from reputed European manufacturers and integrate it into the customized system. Our Division has a Sales Department and a Roll-Out Department. We are also the ones who design and perform the roll-out. We are at the beginning of a difficult road, but this market has a great future in Romania. It is very helpful for us to be part of Frigotehnica, a great company, who has been in business for 60 years and happens to be one of the strongest companies in Romania," Claudiu Amza added.

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