Functional Illiteracy, a Danger for the Country

English Section / 13 februarie

Functional Illiteracy, a Danger for the Country

The Minister of Education and Research, Daniel David, claims that functional illiteracy represents a danger for our country. Daniel David stated that the role of a Minister of Education is also to educate, even informally, people who need it, on how to rationally debate a topic of relevance to the country: "Honestly and directly, I am not happy that I am starting this term as Minister with such a project, which inevitably comes with scandals. But the framework plans represent curricular emergencies (they should have been introduced in 2021 at the latest), legal (they are imposed by the new legal regulations of 2023), moral-psychological (we can no longer put our children at risk, making them take subjects and classes that are exaggerated in number and/or without adequate psycho-pedagogical organization) and, terribly important, national security (functional illiteracy already puts our country at risk). This cannot continue! And the role of a responsible minister is to address precisely such problems/reforms".

The minister participated in the first debate dedicated to the draft framework plans for high school education: "We had the first national debate on the draft framework plans for high school education. And education professionals have started to show why they are in education. Unlike the public space (social networks, even various publications, etc.) - where in addition to serious analyses you still too often find solemn banalities, irrational and/or half-educated concerns, if not just virulent/aggressive criticism or disarming congratulations -, here there were convergent and divergent analyses and discussions, more cerebral or more emotional, all of them focused on problems and solutions. Many participated and, obviously, in such an endeavor, not everyone was able to express themselves".

According to him, those interested can send suggestions in writing, with the Ministry of Education and Research trying to improve the format of the next debates. "I have taken many good suggestions from this process, which will be included in the final version proposed in May," David informed. The next national debate will take place in Cluj-Napoca.

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