Funding for the restoration of memorial houses, heritage stations and open-air museums

English Section / 2 aprilie 2024

Funding for the restoration of memorial houses, heritage stations and open-air museums

Versiunea în limba română

Protecting historical monuments is an essential step for any self-respecting state. The government allocated, last week, through an ordinance that amends Law 422/2001 on the protection of historical monuments, funds to start a national program of memorial houses, to restore some heritage stations and open-air museums and for allowances intended for the Treasures Live Humans, informed the Ministry of Culture. According to the Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, the Historical Monuments Stamp funding call for 2024, issued by the National Institute of Heritage, is structured as follows: the thematic sub-programs "Memorial houses", "Stations", "Museums in are liber" - monuments of vernacular architecture and the "Restoration and cult buildings" subprograms.

The Minister added that the Government approved the recognition of the merits of Living Human Treasures in the field of intangible culture by granting a merit allowance. Beneficiaries are all those who hold the title of Tezaur Uman Viu, have an uninterrupted seniority in the activity of promoting the intangible cultural heritage, have exceptional merits in the preservation, transmission and enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage, have exceptional merits in the realization, interpretation or creation elements of intangible cultural heritage, have national distinctions in the field of intangible cultural heritage. "This support is a way of honoring and safeguarding an immaterial heritage valuable for the national identity", emphasized Raluca Turcan. The intervention of the authorities is to be welcomed because there is a real risk that some of these treasures will be lost forever.

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