Funds for the primary processing of flax

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 decembrie 2008

The government has approved the decree concerning the European Community"s support for the primary processing of flax and hemp stems for fiber. According to the regulation, the Romanian Agency of Payments and Interventions in Agriculture (APIA) is the national competent authority for managing the financial aid provided by the European Community for the processing of the flax and hemp stems for obtaining fibers. The community"s financial support is provided for the production of long linen fibers - 160 euro/ton, short linen fibers (with a maximum allowed percentage of impurities of 15%) - 90 euro/ton and hemp fibers (with a maximum allowed percentage of impurities of up to 25%) - 90 euro/ton. According to a press release sent to our editor"s office, the financial aid needed for the primary processing of the flax and hemp stems for fibers will be ensured through the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development from the distinct position called "FEGA Funding".
