• The Talmudic template
In the parliamentary elections, Einav Zangauker, whose son is being held hostage, - (the Israeli woman mentioned in the first episode) - voted for the Likud party, which is Benjamin Netanyahu's party, which he now wants with all his might to dismiss from the position of prime minister.
We will see, in this episode 2, that either her motherly instinct has plausibly identified his direct enemy, or it is Talmudic culture that suggests that Netanyahu is at the perverse origin of this war.
• Israeli protests against Netanyahu were quelled by the Hamas attack
Netanyahu had been accused of corruption, fraud and breach of trust in several cases, so since January 2023, protests in Israel have increased in number over the government's proposal to reform the judiciary.
The reform plans include significant changes in the way judges are appointed and curtailing the power of the Supreme Court, which could limit the independence of the judiciary.
Critics of the reform argued that the changes could serve to allow Netanyahu and his allies to undermine the independence of the judiciary and interfere with its legal processes.
The changes could give the government greater control over the appointment of judges and limit the Supreme Court's authority, making it more favorable to the prime minister and his party.
The graph illustrates how, following the official presentation of the justice reform proposals in early 2023, demonstrations by Israeli citizens exploded, reaching peaks of 469 demonstrations in March and 460 in July (2023), from an average of 67 per month, in the previous year (attention!, we are talking about the multitude of demonstrations, regardless of the nature of the claims).
In October 2023, the month at the beginning of which the Hamas attack on Israel took place, the number of Israeli demonstrations dropped to 30.
• The Hamas attack at the height of the Netanyahu Cabinet's political crisis is a template
This is not the first time under Benjamin Netanyahu's rule that Israel's internal turmoil has subsided following a Hamas attack, but it is the second time.
In the previous mandate of Benjamin Netanyahu, in May 2021, there was a major armed conflict between Israel and Hamas.
The conflict erupted after weeks of Israeli-Palestinian tensions in Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories, culminating in incidents in and around the Al-Aqsa mosque...
I mean, just like now.
That year, Benjamin Netanyahu was facing domestic protests and criticism over his failure to form a stable government after the March 2021 elections. The protests against Netanyahu were related to corruption allegations against him and his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In May 2020 (the month of the Hamas rocket attack on Israel) and June, the demonstrations remained high (151 and 157, respectively, with citizens diverting their grievances to the way the conflict with the Palestinians was handled), but they later flattened to an average of 60 per month by the end of the year.
On both occasions, both the May 10, 2020 and the October 7, 2024 attacks by Hamas, everyone lost, Israeli citizens and Palestinian citizens, but Hamas gained prestige by generating a large anti-Israel movement in the world, and on the other hand, Netanyahu consolidated his position as prime minister.
At least for the time being.
Detective novels teach us to find the criminal, answering the question "whose benefit is crime?"; after October 2023, Israeli protests against Netanyahu subsided for four months.
Now, however, they are coming back.
• The Israeli authorities ignored the warnings
Israeli officials were warned by various sources and authorities about Hamas preparations for a major attack, but they did not take the information into account.
I publish below a systematic list of those warnings, recorded by Wikipedia.
1. Saudi Arabia:
2. Egypt:
3. Officials of the Palestinian Authority:
4. King Abdullah II of Jordan:
5. Tensions between Israel and Hamas:
6. Israeli intelligence reports:
7. Shin Bet and IDF military commanders:
8. BBC:
• Who is to blame for the defeat of the Israeli defense?
Current assessments claim that the surprise of the Palestinian attack played a crucial role in the defeat of the Israeli defenses on October 7, which would mean that the famous Israeli intelligence services would not have been able to get into the Hamas plan for the attack.
I have already read that this opinion is false.
The Israeli intelligence services had the Hamas attack plans for a very long time (and it is still not clear how exactly Hamas obtained the details of the Israeli defense devices, on the basis of which the Palestinians drew up their plans).
However, in a post on the "X" social network, Netanyahu blamed his own intelligence services for not warning him about the Hamas attack, according to a report published on October 29, 2023, by Al Jazeera. (7)
Is it to be believed that he was not warned?
Wikipedia records the symmetrical doubt: "It was unclear whether the political leadership was informed." (8)
Later, Netanyahu apologized: "I was wrong. The things I said after the press conference should not have been said and I apologize for that."
In fact, he did not withdraw his reproach, but only said that it should not be done.
But he did.
Any public reproach (be it even justified) to the services, in the midst of a campaign to punish the Palestinians, is a military mistake, weakening the cohesion of the Israeli forces.
Why did Benjamin Netanyahu do it?
Paraphrasing a widespread maxim, "he who accuses, excuses himself"...
• The model from the Talmud
Benjamin Netanyahu grew up in a Jewish family and had a traditional Jewish education, which means he was exposed to religious teachings and Jewish culture, which included studies of the Talmud.
In the context of the subject of this article, a certain fragment from the Babylonian Talmud, Temurah 16a, draws attention: "6. § [...] the power of Joshua [n.n. - Moses' heir to the leadership of the people of Israel] also weakened three hundred halakhot [n.n. - plural, "laws"] were forgotten by him and he faced seven hundred cases of uncertainty [n.n. - refers to jurisprudence] and the whole Jewish people rose up to kill him because he could not teach them the forgotten halakhot .
7. The Holy One, Blessed be He [n.n. - God is so called], said to Joshua: «It is impossible for me to tell you these halakhot, because the Torah is not in Heaven. But in order to save yourself from the Jewish people who want to kill you, go and wear them out in war, so that they will leave you in peace".
The current projection of this Talmudic fragment is obvious.
It is a "one to one scale" model.
The introduction of this text into the Talmud is due to Rav Yehuda (220-299 AD), the head of the School of Pumbedita (Babylon), who may be suspected of inventing his quotations so that, attributing them to authoritative scholars, he unscrupulously inserted them in the Talmud (it is present in the Talmud with over 400 such quotations).
The fragment quoted here has every chance of being invented, because it presents God as cynical (""But to save yourself from the Jewish people who want to kill you, go and wear them out in war, so that they will leave you in peace"").
This, however, is not the only case in which Benjamin Netanyahu's public statements intersect with texts considered sacred.
(8) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel#cite_note-edwardwong-78