Gheorghe Piperea: "Bill Gates has already announced that we must prepare for a new pandemic; that means the pharma industry already has the vaccines"

George Marinescu
English Section / 17 septembrie 2024

The European deputy stated that in these moments the patient is no longer a normal citizen, but only a patient because the pharma industry has turned him into a patient through the adverse effects of some drugs or by performing some tests.

The European deputy stated that in these moments the patient is no longer a normal citizen, but only a patient because the pharma industry has turned him into a patient through the adverse effects of some drugs or by performing some tests.

Versiunea în limba română

The appearance of new diseases simultaneously with the appearance of new vaccines and medicines is proof that the pharma industry is involved in turning citizens into simple patients, claims European deputy Gheorghe Piperea, lawyer and university professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest.

Gheorghe Piperea stated: "This is the cruel reality and every day more and more evidence appears that this is happening. To this reality I add two elements. One: Bill Gates is the nexus between IT and the pharma industry, he is the one who learned how to make viruses in order to have anti-virus already in place, and he is the one who last week said nightmares consisting of the intuition that we will not be able to avoid a war worldwide and therefore we must expect another pandemic. I believe that, according to Bill Gates' statement, one reason or another will be found to invent a new pandemic. Which means, of course, that we have to expect that the pharma industry is already ready with the necessary vaccines and drugs. Here I make a little longer bracket. Two weeks ago the American press wrote that every year in the US there are at least 1.5 million people who are sick because of the adverse or harmful effects of drugs and vaccines. In this regard, for those who do not know the situation, I recommend a series on Netflix called Painkiller, about a pharmaceutical company that has caused more than 400,000 deaths and millions of people addicted to the drug. The culprits suffered nothing because, on the one hand, they filed for bankruptcy, were granted and discharged from debt, and on the other hand, they were told that the drug was authorized by the Food&Drugs Agency (FDA) and that it was not their fault theirs, but only of consumers. This means that one way or another, drugs and treatments must now be invented to correct, if possible, the adverse effects of previous drugs and treatments. That is, we are talking about a self-generated vicious circle. This is nothing compared to what is happening now in the American health care system, where drug prices are set discretionarily by manufacturers and where public health insurance pays $50 for a drug - that's how much the public system is billed, and those who go to a private clinic or make their own medicine based on the prescription received from a private person, it costs only 5 dollars for the same medicine. Practically the medical system creates patients, it creates its necessity to exist. Two: Mr. Draghi, who the other day presented us with a 400-page report on the major competitiveness problems of European industry, proposed, among other things, to stop the "slow agony" of this industry, investments of 800 billion euros in every year, and the first industry that would be supported with the largest allocation is the pharma industry, whose representatives immediately declared in the European media that they are ready to absorb that allocation".

The European deputy stated that in these moments the patient is no longer a normal citizen, but only a patient because the pharma industry has turned him into a patient through the adverse effects of some drugs or by performing some tests.

Regarding Sars-Cov 2 and the Covid 19 pandemic, Mr. Piperea claims that the product, i.e. the vaccine, was already prepared when the incident occurred at the laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Gheorghe Piperea told us: "All the indications and all the discoveries after the pandemic lead to the idea that the vaccine already existed, because there is no way to make a vaccine and test it in only two months. Let's look closely at the timeline. In December 2019, an unknown virus was said to be coming from China, then for three months the European Union did not act and said it was fake news from the Chinese, and then, within a week, the decision makers in Brussels they stated that we are facing a big problem and that it should be declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Immediately the rush for the vaccine began, which led to the application of an urgent conditional authorization procedure, which, according to European Union regulations, should be based on clinical trials for the marketing of a drug or vaccine. In the case of the anti-Covid 19 vaccine, no clinical trial was done in the EU member states, on European citizens, because the officials of the European Medicines Agency relied on the clinical trials carried out in Great Britain and the USA, trials which were carried out in just two months, as claimed in the recent report carried out by the European Court of Auditors".

The European deputy also told us that part of the clinical studies relied on by the officials of the European Medicines Agency were false, according to an investigation carried out by the authorities in Texas regarding the clinical tests carried out by Pfizer with the anti-Covid vaccine in that American state.

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