GLOBALLY, McDonald"s July Sales Gain 4.3%

(Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 august 2009

Fast-food chain McDonald"s Corp. said global sales gained 4.3 percent in July, beating analyst estimates, on demand for McCafe coffees and hamburgers, according to Bloomberg.

Sales at U.S. restaurants open at least 13 months climbed 2.6%, the American company announced on Monday. Sales in Asia, the Middle East and Africa increased 2.1%.

Increased sales in France, Great Britain and Australia compensated the drop in demand in China.

The company"s net profit dropped to USD 1.09 billion in Q2 2009, or 98 cents/share, from USD 1.19 billion, (USD 1.04/share), one year ago.

Revenues decreased 7% compared to last year, to USD 5.65 billion, below analyst estimates of USD 5.7 billion.

Global sales at established stores rose 4.8 percent in the April-June 2009 period.

McDonald"s operates 58 restaurants in Romania, of which 4 are franchises.

The company has more than 4,000 employees, with an average of 80 workers per restaurant.

Marian Alecu, General Manager of McDonald"s Romania, estimates that the local restaurant market will reach EUR 2 billion (according to Agerpres). The company"s major competitors include KFC and Burger King.

American group McDonald"s, present in Romania since 1995, owns the largest fast-food chain in the world, with over 30,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries.
