Healthcare Forward: Shaping Tomorrow's Solutions

English Section / 2 octombrie

Healthcare Forward: Shaping Tomorrow's Solutions

We are glad to organize the the 3rd Edition of the healthcare event: Healthcare Forward - Shaping tomorrow's solutions, on the 22nd of October, at JW Marriott Bucharest, starting with 9:30.

This year's conference will delve into the evolving landscape of healthcare, with a particular focus on patient care solutions and sustainability initiatives. Join us for insightful discussions and networking opportunities aimed at driving positive change in the industry.

Key Themes:

Evolving Healthcare Technologies: Explore emerging healthcare technologies and applications, digital transformation strategies, and foresight approaches shaping the future of patient care delivery.

Telehealth Innovations: Gain insights into the impact, adoption challenges, and predictions surrounding telehealth solutions. Discover how blockchain technology is revolutionizing e-health records and supply chain management.

Patient-Centric Care: Delve into user experience (UX), usability, and user-centered design principles to enhance patient accessibility and safety tools. Explore mental and behavioral health awareness and prevention programs, as well as CSR initiatives for underserved communities.

The holistic approach to health: In 2024, healthcare must be approached holistically, recognizing that every part of the body is interconnected. A localized health issue can have far-reaching effects on the entire system. Oral health, for example, is both influenced by and a contributor to overall well-being, making it essential in shaping comprehensive health solutions for the future.

Medical subscription - a tool for prevention and savings: The interest of companies in this area has grown, as they aim to offer medical services for physical, psychoemotional, and oral health - a complete package designed to meet the increasingly complex needs of employees.

Event Agenda:

9.30-10:00: Registration and Welcome Coffee

10:00-10:10: Opening Remarks by BRCC

10:10-11:40: First Panel: Advancing the Digital Healthcare Ecosystem

11:40-12:00: Coffee Break and Networking

12:00-13:30: Second Panel: Delivering Healthcare Programs Sustainably

13:30-14:30: Coffee Break and Networking

Opening Remarks: Colin Lovering - BRCC Chairman

Panel 1: Advancing the Digital Healthcare Ecosystem

Panel Moderator: Adela Jansen - Board & Advisory Board Member

Speakers confirmed so far:

Assoc. Prof. Ana Maria Cristina Ţâncu DMD, PhD - Vice Dean for International Cooperation Faculty of Dentistry," Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania

Valentin Florin Ciocan - President of the National Authority for Quality Management in Health

Diana Andritchi - Co Founder-Chief Business Officer Synaptiq

Psih. Dr. Drd. Costin Dămăşaru - Founder & General Director Veruvis & Veruvis Kids

Panel 2: Delivering Healthcare Programs Sustainably

Panel Moderator: Andreea Minuta - Executive Director of the Subscription Division at Regina Maria - Reteaua Privata de Sanatate

Speakers confirmed so far:

Constantin Stan - CEO of Enviso 

Dr. Ionut Leahu - Dentist and CEO of Regina Maria Dental Clinics

Delia Necula - President of MedTech Comitee InnovX & Board Member Bravva Angels

Please note we welcome both members and non-members to attend as this is a great opportunity to network with fellow business leaders.


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