Henkel Romania Posts 36% Turnover Boost

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 februarie 2008

Henkel Romania posted a year 2007 turnover in excess of 472 million RON (over 140 million EUR), up by 36% y/y, according to CEO Liviu Sfirja. The profit exceeded 90 million RON (27 million EUR). "2007 was extremely important for Henkel Romania. On the one hand, the turnover gained 36% y/y and, on the other hand, Henkel doubled the production capacity in Romania upon the opening of a new adhesives factory in October 2007.

For the first time in the company"s history, Henkel Romania ranked first among Henkel Central Eastern Europe companies in terms of growth. Ukraine and Russia ranked second and third with 35% and respectively 31%. "In Western Europe, it"s nearly impossible to have a two-digit growth rate. It is amazing to be able to outrank countries like Russia and Ukraine," Sfirja said.

Last year"s milestone was the inauguration of a new adhesives factory in Campia Turzii, Cluj County. The factory has an annual production capacity of 200,000 tons and required an investment of 9 million EUR. The site plays a strategic role as it provides a springboard for further expansion to Ardeal. The overall Henkel investment in Romanian production facilities is 30 million EUR.

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