MAKE (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 septembrie 2011


My dear colleagues, the planet is entering in a crucial period - our world, is about to change, for all of us.

The Greek default is being mentioned as certain in an increasing number of European speeches, as Denmark, Finland and Germany raise claims that amount to tearing apart this sovereign state, which is a member of the European Union.

The idea of the disintegration of the Eurozone appears in the scenarios being considered by Western governments, as well as being the subject of a report by Swiss bank UBS, concerning the eye-popping costs of the exit from the Eurozone.

The same report also alludes that the disintegration of the Eurozone paves the way for a war in Europe, a threat which lays the groundwork for another idea, launched by the German chancellor, Angela Merkel and by the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, for the political unification of the European Union, in a state with its own government.

The specter of war paraded around in the Aegean sea, where Turkey and Greece (which are both members of NATO) deployed warships and submarines ready for war, in the conflict of the exploration of the gas and crude oil deposit by an American company (with the help of Israel), located in the waters of Cyprus, which is estimated to be the biggest in the last ten years, capable of meeting the needs of the United States for one year, (a Russian submarine, which the Greeks consider as allies, traveled the Mediterranean Sea heading for the conflict, which was postponed following a European intervention and the phone discussion between the Prime Minister of Greece and Turkey).

Running out of ideas, and weighed down under the burden of a debt that the American economy can"t handle, the United States are launching a government program to create jobs.

Investors are pulling money from the European banks, scared of their weakness (American president Barack Obama said on Monday that the world is scared of the inability of the European banks to become functional again), a weakness caused by their purchases of bonds issued by countries such as Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, which are known to be unable to repay them (Greece officially announced that the government no longer has any money to function in October, when it is hoping to receive 8 billion Euros).

But all the major currencies, starting with the Euro and the dollar, are extremely risky, so investors are out of ideas of where to take their money, and consultants are striving to come up with new safe haven currencies (which in fact only keep that status temporarily).

The project of capitalizing the European Rescue Fund (FESE) with 2-3 trillion Euros is still in the "idea" stage, temporarily lighting up the imagination of the European exchanges, without anybody being able to tell whether the plan could be achieved on time, by comparison with the intensity and the speed at which the crisis is unfolding.

The head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, warned that once the predictable time of the beginning world financial comes, the cataclysm will swipe the entire planet and that there is no safe haven, for nobody.

This incredibly alarmist message did not resonate at all with the Romanian media.

Our TV stations continue to talk about "Serious charges against Truică", whereas yesterday, one allegedly serious newspaper, writes "Irina Truică has raised her skirt in court as if she were in the gynecologist"s office", after displaying on the frontpage "Find out why PM Emil Boc is called "the Chinese""; the newspaper does not even include one piece of news about the crisis.

One of the publications which claims to specialize in finance prints on the first page "Carrefour announces a new plan of expansion", relegating the three meager news about the crisis to page 14, as if this issue didn"t concern us directly.

On the website of a publication which specializes in finance, and which decided to shut down its print edition and went all-digital, the only article about the crisis is at the bottom.

An economic gazette, which used to be the public"s favorite once, had the following title on the first page "Now that"s optimism: the stock markets rising like crazy" (and the article was not ironic in any way).

The only media outlet that seems to have understood the gravity of the situation is PRO TV (regardless of how unhappy that makes us), allocating healthy chunks of its news to the topic of the crisis.

But the BURSA newspaper and a TV station alone can not cover the need for information of the public, on a phenomenon such as this crisis, which has such a far-reaching, varied and accelerated evolution that it is simply breathtaking and overwhelms media organizations with a far longer tradition.

Two days ago, in the morning, the moderators of British television BBC were left speechless by independent trader Alessio Ras-tani, who said: "Do you really think that governments rule the world? It"s Goldman Sachs that rules the world!"

The BBC isn"t the blog of some lunatic obsessed with the evil influence of the Jewish-freemason cabal.

And Alessio Rastani added: "This crisis is a cancer, if we just sit by and keep waiting for it to go away, just like cancer does, it will grow until it"s too late!".

Once more: the BBC is THE BBC!

The same Swiss bank UBS, which warned us two weeks ago about the danger of a civil war in Europe, yesterday returned with a report on three scenarios for the continuation of the crisis, and said that we are entering a new stage.

These times are unique.

Romanians in general, as a people, are used to crises.

We"ve been living a crisis ever since we were born and a warning like this one could seem exaggerated: it is a negative message, "it ruins our Karma", we"d rather have a piece of news about some celebrity"s divorce - it is far more normal and we can mind our business, undisturbed.

But indeed, from now on it is completely different.

The dangers have only grown beyond the level where they could be ignored.

The hope of relief still exists, but it has become so frail that it would be unforgivable not to warn the public of the danger it is exposed to and have it be taken by surprise, if Heaven forbid, it were to be hit as hard as the financiers of the world expect it to.

On the topic of the crisis, the Romanian authorities are disgracefully silent - the anemic statements made on Thursday, by president Traian Băsescu, on TV station B1 ("My feeling right now is - even though no one can make predictions - that there is a major risk of a return of the recession in 2012,"), downplay the warning, when the true danger is not the planet going into a "recession", but directly into a depression that is worse than the one of the 1930s.

Under these circumstances of lack of responsibility and reaction from the Romanian authorities, the press should carry out its civil function.

We are not interested in the quality of the authorities.

There are no more conditions for this.

What is important now is the quality of the press, serving the citizens.

The fundamentals of the crisis

The GDP of the world: 50.1 trillion dollars

The planet"s total debt: 1.15 quadrillion dollars


- quadrillion (in English) = one million trillion


- The global degree of indebtedness can"t even be calculated accurately by the IMF; the numbers being discussed are so different in terms of magnitude, that the figure being published here, being the biggest which we met during our documentation, became our "favorite figure", to suggest that in fact there is no exit from the crisis; of course, other figures (which are veracious) would no longer illustrate such an absurd lopsidedness, but would not make this absurd crisis any more reasonable.

The only reasoning possible before the two figures - of the huge global debt, as opposed to the insignificant output of the planet - is the fact that the economic system of the world does not work and any financial solution is a palliative. That in fact, the world needs to change.

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