Higher Education: Single National Reporting Platform

English Section / 20 noiembrie 2024

Higher Education: Single National Reporting Platform

Versiunea în limba română

The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announced the creation of a single national reporting platform in higher education, which will reduce the workload related to data reporting by universities. According to the minister:"A step towards administrative efficiency: we are simplifying data reporting in higher education! We will create a Single National Reporting Platform in Higher Education (PNRUIS), which will reduce the workload related to data reporting. Thus, universities will no longer have to report the same information about their activity, about students, teachers or graduates, multiple times". According to the minister, the project for the operationalization of the platform, provided for in the Higher Education Law, has already received the approval of the Social Dialogue Commission of the Ministry of Education. "Another important benefit of PNRUIS is that it will help Romania comply with reporting requirements to the European Education Area, the European Higher Education Area, the OECD and UNESCO," Ligia Deca also argued.

The minister said that the platform will eliminate "redundancies" and facilitate alignment with international standards, for the benefit of the entire academic community.

