Holcim Romania To Spend 2.8 Mln EUR On Environment Care

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 martie 2007

Holcim Romania reported 3.5 million EUR in environment care spendings, up by 40% from the initial estimate of 2.5 million EUR. The environment care budget for this year is approximately 2.8 million EUR.

"The investments we have made and will make in environment care anticipate the recent agreement of the Council of Europe to lower CO2 emissions and prevent global warming, the greenhouse effect. Holcim Romania has already aligned to Holcim Group and European Union standards," said Holcim Romania General Manager Markus Wirth.

According to a press release, environment care is a priority to Holcim Romania, which invested 23.5 million EUR between 1998 and 2006 in rolling out eco-friendly technology. The company has upgraded Alesd Cement to improve its energy efficiency and further reduce dust and greenhouse gas emissions and has also lowered dust emissions at Turda Cement. Campulung Cement is also being upgraded and, together with Alesd Cement, is implementing waste coprocessing technology.

Last year, the company invested a total of 57 million EUR in technology upgrades, environment care, business development, occupational health and safety, social and HR projects.

