Hotels will be classified depending on the quality of the services rendered

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 8 octombrie 2007

Representatives of The National Association of Tourism Agencies (ANAT) declared for NewsIn that the association decided on Friday that hotels should receive, starting with 2008, an additional rating regarding the quality of service, by introducing the "Hotel recommended by ANAT" brand.

ANAT will award this certification to hotels which offer their clients quality services, the ministry of tourism being the one in charge with the actual classification. "Our intention is to raise the management and service quality standards. We will recommend tourists those hotels which we regard as able to render quality services, but the decision of choosing one hotel or another will belong to each individual.", said Marius Usturoiu, the head of the ANAT Internal Tourism Comission.

According to Usturoiu, the procedure for awarding these licenses will be established together with the hotel industry employers, during the Romanian Tourism Fair, which will take place between the 18th and the 22nd of October.

"It is likely that the tourism agencies which are also ANAT members will introduce in their offers only those hotels that will receive this brand. It is very important for agencies that tourists be satisfied with the hotels we recommend, because the clients" dissatisfaction will also affect them".

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