HOW BAD ARE MOBILE PHONES FOR US? New technologies have alarming effects on human health

VLAD PÎRVU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 ianuarie 2014

According to medical research, mobile phones can cause irreversible alterations to the brain

Microwave ovens alter food and can cause cancer

In 2011, the World Health Organization has classified wireless radiation as "possibly carcinogenic"

Many studies and expert voices in the medical sector all over the world are becoming increasingly interested in the study of the effects that new technologies has on our health. All kinds of experiments and their results are causing consternation among the public and succeed in always splitting them down the middle: those who resonate with the studies and panic after such findings and those who accuse the press of sensationalism.

At the present, time it is hard to find a place on Earth that isn't connected to modern technology, whether we are talking we talk about telephony, television, simple cable or wireless networks or 3G, 4G, LTE, radio waves and whatever else may be.

With these new changes, the human body has been forced to adapt to the new environmental conditions. Whether it has succeeded in doing so, it is unknown. What is certain is that this topic is becoming of increasing interest to researchers and to the medical world.

People who regularly use mobile phones (half an hour of conversations per day or more) are twice as likely to develop brain cancer, in just ten years, according to medical studies conducted globally. Furthermore, according to specialists, people who began using their cell phone in early childhood or their teens, according to specialists, can get up to five times more diseases than a person a person "that doesn't use technologies", all in less than a decade. American academic studies have proven that excessive exposure to radiation can lead to extremely serious problems, such as hearing or attention deficiencies, autism, behavioral changes, insomnia, Parkinson or Alzheimer's, as well as an entire series of nervous system diseases.

Professor Nesrin Seyhan, a collaborator of NATO and founder of the Biophysics Department from the Gazi University in Ankara (Turkey), has scientifically proved that mice and rabbits that are exposed before birth to radiation produced by cell phones, have fewer brains. A similar result was obtained by the Reflex, developed by the European Union, it's just that the effects weren't found in mice and rabbits, but in humans.

Serious effects on the human DNA were also found by professor Ashok Agarwal from the Cleveland Clinic and by Robert John Aitken from the Newcastle University in Australia, that warn very seriously on the effects that a mobile phone kept for a long time in the pants' pocket, even if it is not used.

After the World Health Organization announced that the radiation emitted by mobile phones can cause cancer, especially at the brain level, the authorities have announced their intention to investigate the problem, Huffington Post writes. The head of the Federal Trade Commission, Julius Genachowski, has asked for a revision of the stance of the agency on the sector of the radiofrequency emitted by mobile phones, amid persistent concerns that these devices can cause brain tumors.

He also said that the institution that they are working continue to believe that there is no evidence linking mobile phones to cancer, headaches, dizziness, memory losses or other health problems.

Healthy Child writes: "Our children live and grow in a sea of radio frequencies, that have never before existed in the history. In today's USA, approximately 20 million children aged below 14 have mobile phones. That's while scientists politicians in countries such as Israel or Finland are becoming increasingly concerned about the effects that these devices have on the brain and take measures in that regard". The publication also writes that the multitude of gadgets that use wireless technology pose a very serious threat to pregnant women: "The microwave radiation produced by mobile phones and tablets can not destroy a tissue directly but it can distort DNA and seriously weaken the protective barriers of the brain. The brain of a five year old is far more fragile than that of an adult and contains several fluids. Thus, the bone marrow absorbs 10 times more radiation than an adult", the article writes. Also, the Academy of US Pediatricians warns about the fact that children need to communicate more with their parents or with other people than with tablets and phones: "Children's ability to think, to touch, to smell, to see and to hear can not be replaced in any way by the intoxications of modern technology such as tablet or smartphone applications".

The use of cellphones or tablets can affect sleep

Researchers have found that the use of an electronic device less than two hours before bed can cause serious sleep disruptions. The study of those from Lighting Research Center (LRC) of the Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute found that screens suppress melatonin. The latter is the hormone that regulates our body's "clock". Mariana Figueiro, director of the program, told Daily Mail: "Our study proved that an exposure of two hours to the light emitted by the displays of electronic devices causes a 22% drop in melatonin. The test was based on the study of 13 subjects, who used tablets to read, play or watch movies for a period of time. "We recommend using such devices as little as possible in the evening and at night time", Figueiro said. The research team has determined that the findings do not apply to tablets alone, but to any device that has an excessively bright display. "It is a problem that is a cause for concern and is a very serious one, especially since it easy clearly visible that most of today's teens have become veritable night owls", the study writes, which concludes: "In the future, manufacturers will have to take all these things into account to avoid having the population be harmed by the devices it uses daily".

Wireless networks are harmful to health

Wireless networks have become an indispensable part of the society that we live in. We use them daily and we can't get our work done without them. Essentially, we can't hide from them.

Still, an increasing number of voices insist that wireless networks are harmful to human health and that something must be done to reduce their effects for our body.

Germany has advised its population to use wireless systems "as little as possible". Wireless networks in the schools of Great Britain have also become a topic of discussion on all TV stations, due to the danger they pose to children. BBC made measurements in a school with over 1,000 pupils in Norwich, where they found that in a classroom, the radiation levels were three times higher than that of a GSM antenna. Also, a team of the BBC went to Salzburg, in Austria, where a researcher has been "clamoring" for wireless systems to be removed from schools. However, the authorities in Vienna have decided that health hazards "can not be proven".

Also according to LiveLeak, in Denmark, five 9th grade girls have conducted a simple experiment, in which they placed 6 plates of seeds near a wireless router, and 6 others in a different room, far away from the router. The results have showed that the seeds which were near the router, did not germinate at all, whereas the reference batch of seeds located in the other room germinated successfully.

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization, has classified wireless radiation as "possibly carcinogenic". This means that exposure to that kind of radiation can cause the occurrence of cancer tumors, but research is still ongoing. The findings of the European investigations on the matter are simple and at the same time distressing: "The long term effects of these electromagnetic fields on human and animal health are not yet known".

How to reduce the effects of radiation generated by mobile devices:

- Use headphones as much as possible, to avoid holding your phone close to your head;

- Do not keep the phone on the nightstand during the night;

- Buy special phone covers that reduce the level of radiation by 60-70%;

- Pregnant women should constantly keep their cellphones away from their belly, and men that want to make sure they can have children should never keep their phones in the pocket of their pants;

- Don't let children play with mobile phones;

- Turn off the wireless router during the night;

Melatonin is a substance produced by the brain and released by the brain into the blood. The production of melatonin is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. Melatonin stimulates the onset of sleep and regulates the sleep-cycle. It is a powerful stimulant of the body's defense system, ensures a good functioning of the nervous system, slows down the aging of the body, reduces stress and fatigue, regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

According to researcher William P. Kopp, the prolonged use of microwave ovens can cause:

- brain damage in the long run, because it "short-circuits" electrical impulses in the brain;

- the inability of the body to metabolize the compounds resulting from the microwaving of food;

- the alteration of the output of female and male hormones;

- some permanent effects on the human body;

- the alteration of all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients contained by the food;

- the occurrence of cancer tumors in the stomach and intestines;

- the increase of the number of cancer cells in human blood;

Flowers die when watered with microwaved water

A recent piece of news made the headlines on the internet and on TV. The article, initially published by British newspaper Daily Mail, concerned a school experiment made by a girl from a school in Sussex, who wanted to prove that microwaves aren't healthy. The girl boiled water in a kettle using a gas cooker, and a distinct quantity of water using a microwave oven. Once the water cooled down, she used the two quantities of fluid to water two identical plants in order to find out whether there was any difference between normally boiled water and microwaved water. In just nine days, the plant watered using microwaved water died, whereas the plant watered using water boiled in the kettle developed normally. Her classmates performed the experiment themselves and got the same result.

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